This morning, I am 54 years old, have seen much abuse in the world and fight many of them in any way I can. But this one brings me to tears today, even as I write this. Police are trying to justify the case, saying he was robbing a car, he had a long history with the Law, the classic caught red-handed "We didn't really do it" - "He got what he had coming" - Police brutality defense.
Nothing worse in this world than the assault upon the weak by a bully. Compounding that issue is the morose issues of public servants doing so tyrannically. They know they are wrong, while they have not yet been served a lawsuit - the Fullerton accountant and attorneys' have offered a paltry, paid out over a long period of time - $900,000 settlement (see Orange County Register story here)).
G-d bless Kelly Thomas's father - a former Orange County Sheriff Deputy - who turned down the $900,000 hush monies.
Here's a YouTube video from witnesses'
Though you do not clearly see the brutality - you will hear cries from the man
"Dad' Dad' Dad' Dad' -
as they keep electrocuting him with multiple officers on top of him.
With a great Hat TIP to Mike S for providing this YouTube embed link of the picture we could not find - showing the how bad the beating really was..... and the whole family of Kelly Thomas
Fullerton Police confiscate a Video
Witness comes forward and gives complete details of the beating. A Fullerton homeless man said he knew Kelly Thomas, that he was interviewed by Police and that a video of the affair was confiscated by the Fullerton officers. The witness alleges that the officers beat Kelly Thomas like a National Geographic feeding frenzy - in a non stop manner - once Kelly Thomas appeared to be lifeless.
Interview of a homeless (witness) of the Kelly Thomas beating by Fullerton Police who claims the beating and tazer of Kelly for more than 10 minutes;
Homeless man was son of former Orange Country Deputy
Kelly Thomas's father is a former Orange County Sheriff Deputy. He made a note of the fact that there was nothing in Kelly's past about violence. A local cafe owner states she saw Kelly Thomas daily and he was always well behaved.
Fullerton Police claim that 2 incidents of broken bones of the officers transpired due to the attempt to arrest Kelly Thomas, but witnesses say that is impossible. Kelly Thomas was laying flat on the ground and only waving his arms crying "Dad' Dad' Dad".
Here is a local news story, prior to Kelly Thomas dying in the hospital
At the Friends of Fullerton website, they have the CNN broadcast of the story. It has a hospitalized picture of how devasting the brutality was. The CNN reporter denotes that Kelly Thomas was smashed into the concrete and beat with a flashlight also.
See the website story at Friends of Fullerton Website (here).
CNN Website Video direct link
Fullerton Police Brutality a Regular occurrence
Here's another case of Fullerton Police brutality. Where witnesses were told to leave the scene or they would be arrested.
Fullerton District Attorney says a prosecution may not happen
While the Fullerton District Attorney's office lays the ground work about the investigation into the affair and even has the unmitigated gall to suggest that
"If no charges are brought"
They will then explain to the public why. But the Fullerton DA -(Susan Kang Schroeder) - does speak about videos. While the CNN reporter may have been asking about the videos confiscated - the DA Susan Kang Schroeder - denotes that the video from the "Police" shows a heart wrenching affair. But the DA's office will do the right thing.
5 out of 6 of the Officers - originally - were not yanked off the streets
It turns out that the District Attorney and Police in Fullerton have an incestuous relationship - where the Conflict of Interest issues are permitting larceny against the the City of Fullerton to go unpunished.
A Fullerton worker states that the Dispatcher of the Fullerton Police Dept turned a stationary camera at the scene to the beating. That it is readily apparent from the video that the officers continued to beat Kelly Thomas incestantly, even after he was obviously unconscious - to the point that he was bleeding - and that is when they stopped!
Mr. Thomas turns down $900,000 hus money
We tip a big hat to Mr. Thomas, a former CA Deputy who could have simply taken the $900,000 hush money and allowed this all to be buried - for the sake of the "good ole boys" club of fellow officers.
You are suffering much and have the right to be angry. We and many others are sad for you and yours, but will gladly stand with you - screaming for the Whole Truth to be told!
Hang in there - may it be that your sons death will not be in vain and the truth be told!