Things sure are getting heated in Wisconsin. Hyperbole much?
The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the past century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the six Republican state senators facing a recall election Tuesday.
"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me," said Tea Party Nation CEO Judson Phillips.
Yeah. Those damn lefties, with their recycling and their organic food and their equal rights—why, just look at all the lives they've claimed!
Now, if someone could just compare them to Nazis. Any volunteers? Yes, you there, Mr. Phillips.
A few days ago, Governor Walker showed up to open the state fair. This was not a political event. It is one of those ceremonial events that a governor is obligated to do. His remarks were not political and in fact, consisted mostly of saying, “I declare the state fair to be open.”
The Wisconsin Red shirts, the left’s modern version of Brown shirts, were there to shout Walker down and generally ruin the fair for as many people as they could.
Ah, there we go. Because idiotic hyperbole isn't complete until you throw in some good old fashioned Nazi comparisons. And really, those wretched Wisconsinites who are protesting their governor are just like Nazis. Because Nazis were known for their awful, terrible shouting. Just like the Wisconsin Red shirts. Monsters!
So ... want to help the Red Shirts throw the teabagger-backed bums out of office? If you are on the ground, go door to door with We Are Wisconsin. They knocked on 103,000 doors this weekend alone.
If you can't go door knocking, make get out the vote phone calls from anywhere with the Democratic Party of Wisconsin or DFA and the PCCC.