Apparently now the Republican antipathy to a functioning government extends to calling federal agencies "rogue" for
upholding their basic missions. That's South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's
take on the National Labor Relations Board case against Boeing for moving work in (explicitly stated) retaliation for workers exercising their legally protected right to strike. Further,
Haley, a Republican, blamed President Barack Obama for the NLRB action against Boeing.
“For a president who claims he’s about job creation, he’s done nothing but try to kill all our American jobs,” she said.
This is kind of rich when you consider Obama's evident discomfort over the NLRB's complaint. But more, as Obama correctly noted last month, this is a case brought by an independent federal agency and it's going in front of a judge. Regardless of whether a Republican NLRB would have filed a complaint in this instance, in the end, the current NLRB will have to prove the case or see Boeing prevail. That, of course, may be what Republicans are so afraid of.