this has worked so well in the past?
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Monday laid out an ambitious anti-tax and regulations agenda for the fall.
In a memo to rank-and-file Republicans, Cantor said the House will target 10 major regulations for elimination, and will also seek to enact one major tax cut for businesses.
Republicans are offering the agenda as a contrast to President Obama's jobs plan which is to be formally announced next week and is expected to include stimulus spending.
Cantor's proposal will face an uphill battle in becoming law, but could make their way into a package produced by the deficit “supercommittee” of 12 lawmakers charged with recommending $1.5 trillion in deficit-cuts by late November. Democrats want that package to focus on economic stimulus to create jobs.
One of the tax cut proposals is a 20 percent income deduction for small business owners, and we all know how Republicans' define "small business": Bechtel, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Koch Industries.... but they're just looking out for the "little guys," as usual. The other bright idea is gutting environmental, health care, and labor regulations. Of course.
So now we know what the Republicans on the Super Congress are going to be bringing to the table.