Welcome to J Town: a friendly little place in the big bad blogosphere.
A place to hang out, promote posts, check on the weather (and brag about yours!) and waste spend a little time.
(more under the "divider-doodle" or "swirly thing" for you non-techies)
J Town is you. Join in just for the heck of it.
We are looking for Readers ... people who read posts and want a place to promote them. When you find that gem, comment here and we will send the Judicious J Town Jolly Jeniuses to check it out and Republish here. Or ask to be a Contributor and you can add to the Queue also.
The posts will show up in this list: J Town Babbling Brook
In the comment threads share what you like, don't like, or what you don't want to talk about (we promise not to tell anyone).
Share tricks about navigating Daily Kos 4.0.2. As our favorite Owl said:
...the real test is guessing what is a glitch and what is by design!
But please, no TTFN. Follow this excellent advice from Seneca Doane:
What I'd like to see is "TTFN" replaced by "FNIWOFCUAJT" or something like that. ("For now I will only follow Cranky Users and J Town.")
And just to liven things up, from bubbanomics:
A Place for People Whose Suckage Tolerance Has Been Reduced to a Level That's Less than the Compassion of Newt, the Intelligence of Christine, the Generosity of Sarah, and the Victorian Prudence of Rick.
Hey, if you publish a post, you can promote it here also! And we will let this guy rescue Republish it.

The J Town Republish Mark:
Republished in the J Town Babbling Brook

Burble Burble
J Town Babbling Brook

Glug Glug
Please let the writer know you Republished them in J Town.
~~~ See jotter's High Impact Posts for the Recommended Posts Table ~~~
A Labor J brought to you by Dragon5616:
h/t navajo