Americans want action on jobs. So now that the President has proposed legislation to address jobs, Eric Cantor
says Republicans are willing to move forward on at least some pieces of the American Jobs Act:
I certainly would like to see us be able to peel off some of these ideas, put them on the floor, vote them across the floor and get the senate to join with us so we can actually get something to the president and make some progress as quickly as possible.
This is my objection to the message that was delivered tonight. The message was: either accept my package as it is, or I will take it to the American people. I would say that that’s the wrong approach. What we’re here to do is try to transcend differences, not let them get in the way in the areas we can make progress on.
Eric Cantor's trying to transcend differences? Ha! More like he's trying to save his own ass. That's why he doesn't want President Obama to take it to the people. And that—Cantor's fear of the public—is the one shot we have of actually getting something good done. Because the one job that Republican congressmen really care about their own. The more they fear losing it—thanks not just to the President but also to the public—the more we can get done.