So I missed much of the drama here apparently, but after reading what has gone down, I am formally joining the boycott initiated by Robinswing (that I have privately been having for a while now).
There has already been so much said, by others, and by myself on this topic in the past. So I will just add this:
As a black woman, my primary problem with many of the posters here at Daily Kos is that they substitute their opinion for my real world experiences.
It is not having a difference of opinion on race that is the problem. It is having folks feel that they are empowered to dismiss me and folks like me out of hand because my experience does not match theirs.
What many white posters don't understand is that they get to choose when they want to deal with issues of race. I live it everyday. I am not trying to change your mind or sell you something. I am trying to add my unique perspective.
Now you are free to take it or leave it. But you are not free to berate me, put words in my mouth, or motives in my heart.
I do not need "permission" to share my views as I see fit, even if the "majority" of folks here disagree. Daily Kos has been out of control hostile/irrational about the President/race for a good long time now.
Enough is enough.