It was just too easy. Not a fair fight. Elizabeth Warren is not only smart and engaging, telegenic and nice, but she is one hell of a scrapper. She just punched the silly smiles off of the entire Morning Joe crew that was set up to get her with gotcha questions. I was literally pumping my fists and chanting Go Girl into the TV. This will be a must see when the video comes out.
Quick highlights down below.
It is an incredible thing to see when someone speaks truth to power. It is even more incredible when our Pravda style opinion panels get exposed for what they are, oatmeal brained careerists. Thank you Elizabeth Warren.
Elizabeth Warren interview from Morning Joe
First up was Mark Halperin. His gotcha question was regarding China and its military and its (blah blah blah) National Security implications. EW took his question, reframed it, tossed it right back in his lap and watched as the oatmeal oozed from from his ears. She rightfully answered the question in terms of our Economic Security and refused to budge from this position despite Halperin tossing his oatmeal all over his high chair. Priceless. But just an appetizer to what was to follow.
The conclusion, the grand finale of her Grucci like display was a follow up question from Willi Geist. He wondering how she was going to be able to take on the special interests all by her poor, helpless little self. What followed was what I have been waiting for from a Democratic Party Candidate for quite some time. EW started with a question to the effect of why should I give up? She built on that to a crescendo of I will fight for you common sense positive. (one voice equals two equals 30 equals a movement) My good gracious, it was good.
Video will be a MUST SEE. (if it is allowed to be released)
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ActBlue Elizabeth Warren
7:38 AM PT: Rec List. Thank you but not for me. Thank you for Elizabeth Warren! Video and or transcript to come when available.
7:50 AM PT: Here it is. Enjoy!