Definition of TRANSITION
a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : change
b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another
a : a musical modulation
b : a musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another
: an abrupt change in energy state or level (as of an atomic nucleus or a molecule) usually accompanied by loss or gain of a single quantum of energy
We are faced with a choice, we can either transition into a new energy system, we can chose to live in a new way and respect, conserve and protect our resources and environment ; or we can continue to do what we are doing, we can waste, take for granted and eventually be forced into a new way of thinking about energy.
Either way, it will happen. The question remains, will it be an easy transition? Will it be like a symphony moving from one section of a piece of music to another, harmonious and yet rough, like learning a new piece of music and learning that transition as a team working together?
Or will it be like that electron? Will it be abrupt, knocked out of us, a transition we are ill prepared for that will mean that we must struggle to make things work?
Not the best analogy I am sure, but one that certainly can make you think, the transition will happen, with or without my cooperation. So I have decided to to take part and learn more about how I can make my community more resilient, self-reliant and more importantly, independent of many of the things we take for granted and rely upon.
It can be done, it just means rethinking a lot of the things we do and take for granted.
The City of Aliso Viejo is in South Orange County, California. It's a small town for Orange County, almost 50,000 people and to me quite a great place to live, for others it represents a lot of what is wrong with Orange County. Lots of cookie cutter homes, not enough independent businesses (They haven't looked I guess) and it's too new.
It is new, the city just turned ten years old (although it was a master planned community for more than ten years before it got its city hood), but the newness, I think, is what gives it some of its appeal. The City is working on its Green City Initiative in order to prepare for the demands of California's AB32, the Global Warming solutions Act. In the same spirit of transitioning, the city is making a leap and doing a lot to reduce its energy use, water use and every other aspect of the city's resource dependance so it can be weaved into the City charter and be part of what makes Aliso Viejo, Aliso Viejo.

(Photo of Aliso Viejo with some of our cookie cutter homes, Soka University, the gorgeous mountains and open space we love so much and the Pacific Ocean)
I've attended many of the Green City Initiative workshops and have even written about some of them for our local Patch. I've been asked by those who are working hard on this program to become more involved. It's important, and I think it will make Aliso Viejo a better place to live. Even if there are some who believe, because of people like Glenn Beck, that Agenda 21 is going to be our eventual downfall (I am not going to even expend any energy explaining Agenda 21, because it's bunk).
I have also been trying to work more with a local non-profit called Savannah's Organic Ranch, a great organization that has just been leased 24 acres of land to build an organic farm, community gardens and to have an education center on growing food. This is all part of transitioning. It is all relevant.
But just what does it mean to transition? According to Transition US, they describe it as such:
The Transition Movement is a vibrant, grassroots movement that seeks to build community resilience in the face of such challenges as peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis. It represents one of the most promising ways of engaging people in strengthening their communities against the effects of these challenges, resulting in a life that is more abundant, fulfilling, equitable and socially connected.
We believe that we can make the transition to a more sustainable world. We hope that you will join us.
Aliso Viejo just became a Muller. We're mulling transitioning. No really. I am mulling going to transitioning training next month in Joshua Tree so I can learn about this first hand, I am just hoping to have the money in order to register in time. It's not expensive, it's just caught us at a bad time. I really want to go, so I am hoping I can. I would be going with the person heading up our transition and someone I am growing to admire more and more by the day. We met two weeks ago to start this little group, I felt special because it was just us two saying, how can we start this? I was honored to be part of that and I feel that this journey is going to be an important one for me.
We had our first group meetings this week and I got to meet people in my community who care about the things I care about. I've been overjoyed to find as many people as I have who are as passionate about the environment as I am.
And one of the first things our dear leader has done? She found open space for an egg co-op that is owned by the local water company. We're going to propose something to them so we can have our own chickens. Seriously, how cool is that?
And we have a great University in Aliso Viejo, Soka University. We've already engaged them to help with our Energy Descent program. They are excited! And they have a an Instructional Garden as part of their Environmental Studies Program.
There are local schools that want to be involved, Girl Scouts is interested, in fact, anyone I have spoken to, they want to know more. Transitioning is not scary, it's something people want to know more about. It's something that is meant to bring people together, of any political party, religion or system of belief. Transitioning is about community, about making things more local than they have been in a long time and learning how to reconnect to those around us.
It is family oriented (Our first meetings were held in a local park with children welcome) and meant to bring us back to nature (We are lucky to live with a wilderness park in our city, miles from a beach and intact open space within walking distance). But transitioning can be made to fit anywhere you live. It's about transitioning where you are.
Our Transition Sister City is Transition Laguna, right next door and years into their movement. We have a guide.
Here is a great video about their journey!
And there are so many Transition Cities, there will be a Sister city somewhere near you. And if not, you can be the one to guide the way. There is a transition city in Texas.
It is inspiring and encouraging, because it is EMPOWERING!
And my favorite part of the Transition movement:
The Cheerful Disclaimer!
Just in case you were under the impression that Transition is a process defined by people who have all the answers, you need to be aware of a key fact.
We truly don't know if this will work. Transition is a social experiment on a massive scale.
What we are convinced of is this:
- If we wait for the governments, it'll be too little, too late
- If we act as individuals, it'll be too little
- But if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time.
- Everything that you read on this site is the result of real work undertaken in the real world with community engagement at its heart. This site, just like the transition model, is brought to you by people who are actively engaged in transition in a community. People who are learning by doing - and learning all the time. People who understand that we can't sit back and wait for someone else to do the work. People like you.
They do not claim to have all the answers, it's about each community building things on their own and coming together to make their own answers and systems to fit their own situation.
Moving Planet means moving past what we know now. I think there is nothing that embodies this more than the transition movement.
In face, Transition US has a whole list of activities planned for Moving Planet. Maybe it's not too late for you to get involved in your town and learn more about a transition town near you!
Transition Initiatives are getting set for Moving Planet: A day to move beyond fossil fuels coming up on Saturday, September 24th, 2011! Here's (just) a snapshot of what they've got planned.
Transition Initiatives mobilizing for Moving Planet!
Transition Initiatives are getting set for Moving Planet: A day to move beyond fossil fuels coming up on Saturday, September 24th, 2011! Here's (just) a snapshot of what they've got planned.
Asheville, NC: A progressive day of action, starting downtown at the WNCA Transportation Workshop, followed by a kick-off event and then on to other events in the Asheville area! Asheville’s Moving Planet unfolds with sponsorship from The Canary Coalition, the Sierra Club, Transition Asheville, the United Nations Association-USA (Western NC Chapter), and the WNC Alliance. The Canary Coalition will create a video-documentary of Asheville’s Moving Planet event.and to focus on how we might help move our world beyond fossil fuels (see
Ann Arbor, MI: Transition Ann Arbor teamed up with other local groups to organize a collection of events in Washtenaw County: "We have been encouraging everyone to participate in 2 ways: hold a local gathering (anytime) and come to the culminating event (Sunday, 9/25, 3-5pm)." The cultminating event agenda will be include I. Sharing out of visions, plans, and challenges to our policy makers to respond with policies we need to create a livable future ii. Brief responses by several policy makers iii. Networking at stations including FOOD, TRANSPORTATION, ENERGY, HOUSING, and perhaps EDUCATION, WATER, LAND…and iv. Bike Parade! More info on their websites here and here.
South Bay, Los Angeles, CA: From Transition South Bay, LA:
Here in the South Bay we have an extraordinary opportunity to embrace two ready-to-roll sustainable solutions that not only address climate change, but will also improve our health, well-being and the livability of our communities -- The South Bay Bicycle Master Plan and the Vitality City Livability Plan.
Both plans are up for City Council approval in the Beach Cities this fall and on September 24 citizens of Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach will walk, bike, run, rollerblade and skateboard to our “Moving Planet South Bay – Bikeable, Walkable, Livable!” event.
On August 2, 2011 the Manhattan Beach City Council endorsed our “Moving Planet South Bay” event and approved the use of the 13th Street Farmers Market site as the venue on September 24. We are very excited to be partnering with the City of Manhattan Beach, Vitality Cities, the South Bay Bicycle Coalition and South Bay 350 Climate Action Group in planning this rally and celebration.
At this fun, free, uplifting event we’ll demonstrate our support for the Bicycle Master Plan and Vitality City Livability Plan and connect with others who share our passion and interest in creating more livable neighborhoods with less pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and giving our children, grandchildren, parents and grandparents a better way of life.
The September 24 Moving Planet South Bay event will teach, entertain, encourage and motivate people. It will give them an opportunity to have their voices heard. And it will allow individuals, families, organizations and businesses to get involved and make a positive difference for the future of our cities and our quality of life.
Berkeley, CA: Transition Berkeley teamed up with the East Bay Bike Coalition and the Ecology Center to kick off the day with complementary coffee and bagels at the downtown Bike Station, ride through the streets of Berkeley to show support for the bicycle and other sustainability solutions.
Culver City, CA: Transition Culver City is hosting an Alternative Transportation Parade to celebrate and explore fossil-free transportation in Culver City, in partnership with several organizations including Sustainable Streets, reDiscover Center, and Culver City Bicycle Coalition. Check TCC’s video of last year’s action here!
Bellingham, WA: Transition Whatcom is co-sponsoring Bike Bellingham, their local contribution to Moving Planet and they'll have 10 bike rides from 10 schools, a climate rally and for advanced riders, a ride to Cherry Point! Read more.
Olympia, WA: The Green Party of South Puget Sound and Transition Olympia/Olympia Climate Action have teamed up to bring Moving Planet Day To Olympia. The event will be a full day of activities with a bike ride, buskers, speakers and more.
Unity, ME: Transition folks are organizing a Common Ground Country Fair: "Imagine the powerful image of hundreds—maybe thousands—of Common Ground Country Fair attendees parading through the fair, forming the number 350, then raising local organic summer squash and pumpkins (or their empty hands) to the sky in celebration of the climate change solutions offered by limited consumption and support of local agriculture and economy.
Putney, VT: Vermonters from the Brattleboro/Bellows Falls area are trekking north to join Moving Planet Vermont in Montpelier, to help build a state that's green for all and light the path to 350! Info on the Transition Putney website here.
Charlotte, VT: Transition Charlotte and the Committee on Contemplation and Social Action of the Charlotte Congregational Church are hosting an Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium.
Newburyport, MA: From Transition Newburyport:
On Saturday, September 24th, join others from the Newburyport area to be part of Moving Planet New England and the worldwide Moving Planet event calling on our elected leaders, businesses and communities to get serious about moving beyond fossil fuels. Individuals and groups from all over New England will be traveling into Boston by bike, on foot, by boat or public transportation to make one big, bold, beautiful statement:
We have the power to build a secure, healthy, just and sustainable future for our children and our planet
Rolling parades will move from North Station, South Station, Park Street Station and Long Wharf North starting at 3 PM to the Rally for Solutions at Columbus Waterfront Park where New England will join the rest of the world in a peaceful, festive rally calling on leaders at all levels to take action to speed the transition away from fossil fuels. The rally will be emceed by Steve Curwood of Living on Earth and the soul-n-rock band Melodeego will perform. The gathering will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, find out what others are doing and to get involved
Individuals and groups from the Newburyport area are invited to gather at the Newburyport MBTAstation at 12:30 PM to take the 12:48 train into Boston to join the rally. You are invited to dress up, make puppets, bring banners or images, to reflect what you are doing to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and express your vision of a fossil-fuel free future.
Wayland, MA: Transition Wayland is organizing a historic Walk from Wayland to Walden (5.5 miles north on Rt. 126). Photo below of members making posters...
Durham, NC: Transition Durham is organizing Moving Planet: What the Triangle can do for the Sphere:
We'll have people coming from all directions on bikes, carpooling in hybrids and biodiesel cars, walking, using public transportation (and yes, cars, too), converging together for the special event. We'll have zumba dancing and standing yoga poses, so an active movement and a grounding movement to connect with the Earth! We'll have speakers, organizations with booths, an environmental quiz, cooking with local, sustainable food, roving ask a question and more.
We're aiming for 1,000+ people. We've talked about having an event that is multi-cultural and inter-generational, with a broad appeal. The goal is to move the planet--shift behaviors, create awareness, educate.
In Oklahoma City, OK: Transition Oklahoma is sponsoring Moving Planet Oklahoma: Action-Art-Festival for a top-10 state in health and sustainability -
Cycling, walking, skating, dancing to Oklahoma City Hall to create art for health and sustainability!
The Action - We'll meet at the Womb Gallery (25 NW 9th St) and travel to the steps of the Oklahoma City Hall together.
The Art - We'll assemble a piece of art symbolizing the healthy bodies and healthy planet that we need.
The Festival - We'll continue on to the festival for activities, food and beverage to celebrate this international day of action inspired by
And for those who don't know or even understand why we transition to local, it's all about
peak oil. Here is Peak Oil explained Graphically from
Transition Voice. Share it.
And if you want to learn more about the Transition Movement, Transition US has FREE Resources. Read them and share them!
MovingPlanet@Kos is a collaborative action with the Moving Planet team, the Global Campaign for Climate Action, WiserEarth, tcktcktck, the Sierra Club, DeSmogBlog, EcoCity Builders, and Transition US. Together, we are launching a 'package' of educational and inspirational writing and art, rattling the twitterverse in a cooperative social media campaign, and sharing some of the most innovative and extraordinary 9/24 events.
Visit the Moving Planet Earthship for updates and links to news and postings as well as all Coverage@Kos.
9 am -11 Enviro Writer
11-1: Jill Richardson
1-3 Kelly Rigg, Global Campaign for Climate Action
3-5 Roger Fox
5-7 Richard Register, Ecocity Builders
7-9 Franke James, Environmental Artist
9-11 Warren S, LTE
11-1 Ellinorianne
Saturday, September 24 ALL TIMES EST
9-11 Bill McKibben,
11-1 Sierra Club LiveBlog
1-3 ulookarmless: Movement in Poetry
3-5 Peggy Duvette, WiserEarth
5-7 rb137
7-9 Post Carbon Institute
9-12 citizen: Climate Heros: (Liveblog for report ins)
Sunday, September 25. ALL TIMES EST
Wrap ups and Report ins