Note: Bill McKibben reports in from an iPad as the sun rises on the West Coast of the US. He will be speaking at San Francisco's Massive Moving Planet Rally at 1PM today.

For me, it was the pictures from Yemen that really did it this morning. It wasn't an enormous rally, like the ones in Cairo or Auckland or Delhi or Hanoi--in fact the gathering in Sanaa and Nisab may be the smallest demonstrations taking place on this Moving Planet day. But if there's any country on earth where it's harder to imagine people having the time and energy to be thinking about the climate fight, you'd imagine it might be Yemen, where the ongoing semi civil war has claimed so many lives and torn society in so many ways.
MovingPlanet@Kos is a collaborative action with the Moving Planet team, the Global Campaign for Climate Action, WiserEarth, tcktcktck, the Sierra Club, DeSmogBlog, EcoCity Builders, and Transition US. Together, we are launching a 'package' of educational and inspirational writing and art, rattling the twitterverse in a cooperative social media campaign, and sharing some of the most innovative and extraordinary 9/24 events.
Visit the Moving Planet Earthship for updates and links to news and postings as well as all Coverage@Kos.
And yet there, and everywhere else on earth, people are headed out today to make their voices heard. Sometimes we spend too much time thinking about the minoritty of people who are climate deniers. It would be surprising if there weren't some, given the power of the fossil fuel industry. But days like this show that literally everywhere on this globe. (okay, not in north Korea) there are far more people lined up to fight for the future.
As daylight comes to North America, we will see many more of these images from places we know well. I'm in San Francisco, and will get to talk to a huge rally at Justin Hermann plaza at 1 pm. The best part of that gathering, though, will be knowing that as we gather there are people with the same hopes and dreams and fears fighting the same fight in a thousand different languages. Like anything big and heavy, it takes some work to get a planet in motion. But were giving it a hell of a shove today!

Photos: 1 & 2 from Sana'a, Yemen, 3 from Dhaka, Bangladesh
9 am -11 Enviro Writer
11-1: Jill Richardson
1-3 Kelly Rigg, Global Campaign for Climate Action
3-5 Roger Fox
5-7 Richard Register, Ecocity Builders
7-9 Franke James, Environmental Artist
11-1 Ellinorianne
Saturday, September 24 ALL TIMES EST
9-11 Bill McKibben,
11-1 Nichole Ghio, Sierra Club
1-3 ulookarmless: Movement in Poetry
3-4 WarrenS
3-5 Peggy Duvette, WiserEarth
5-7 rb137
7-9 Post Carbon Institute
9-12 citizen: Climate Heros: (Liveblog for report ins)
Sunday, September 25. ALL TIMES EST
Wrap ups and Report ins