News came of scientific evidence linking the Indigenous Aborigines of Australia to their African ancestors.
The Aborigines are thus direct descendants of the first modern humans to leave Africa, without any genetic mixture from other races so far as can be seen at present. Their dark skin reflects an African origin and a migration and residence in latitudes near the equator, unlike Europeans and Asians whose ancestors gained the paler skin necessary for living in northern latitudes.
The Australian Aborigines deserve high praise as the world’s greatest explorers, having been the first human beings to venture beyond Africa and then made their way along the southern edge of Asia all the way to Australia – or at any rate an article in the journal Science this week makes an impressive case for this striking hypothesis.
The human species originated in the area of southeastern Africa and slowly migrated in waves over tens of thousands of years up along the coastlines into Asia. Always hugging the shore and staying within the warm and bountiful tropics.
Even into modern times humans have been radiating out of Africa. Tens of millions of Africans had been enslaved and moved eastward to Asia during the era of the Arab Slave Trade and tens of millions were moved westward to the Americas during the Atlantic Slave Trade. Africans have been spreading genetically and culturally across the globe continuously from the very beginning.
Our own distinct New World American culture is different from Old World European because of the heavy influences of imported Africans and preexisting Native Americans cultures.
But here is the crux of it, over the centuries many whites have had a belief that they were somehow different - and thus superior - to the rest of humanity. This belief is the root of racism and justifications for genocides and slavery.
Well, let science prove once and for all that this is all bunk.
Europeans like to believe they have evolved on their own continent. That's nonsense. All European populations came from Asia (all current racial types) or Africa (just the Cro-Magnon), but always via Asia.
The irony is that racists once tried to justify their warped beliefs with pseudoscience and today real scientists are reinforcing the idea everyday that we are a single human race after all.