The Daily Bucket is a place to catch your casual observations of the natural world and turn them into a valuable resource. Whether it's the first flowers of spring or that odd bug in your basement, don't be afraid to toss your thoughts into the bucket. Check here for a more complete description.
Seattle. September 24, 2011.
Working at my desk last evening I gradually became aware of the sound of crows. Not one scolding crow or even a family of crows talking back and forth from the neighborhood trees, but incessant waves of crow voices, swelling and fading overhead.
The sky was empty when I walked out on the back porch, just pale blue half-dusk above the trees. Then more voices from the west and one, two, three crows in a straggly line. Another line appeared in my peripheral vision, the leading edge of a loose clump that became the leading edge of another bigger clump that melted into another clump joining them from the other edge of the sky. I tried counting but lost track around 500, and still they came. Rivers of crows, cackling and calling and dancing through the sky, streaming east to the place where the crows have congregated every winter evening as long as I've lived here.
I'll try to get a video of an evening flyover. It's pretty cool.
September 24, 2011. The crows have begun to gather in their traditional evening winter roost.
Your turn? What and where? Birds? Insects? Turning leaves? Last harvests?
Late today, sorry. I've been super focused on a project that needs a lot of thinking. Will try to get something together for tomorrow but please jump in if you have anything to report.