Earlier this month, WiserEarth's founder, Paul Hawken (author of Blessed Unrest and Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future") sat down with 350's Bill McKibben (from the End of Nature to eaarth) to discuss the challenges we face in creating a stable and sustainable economy.
Yesterday, as more than 2000 Moving Planet events took place around the world -- in countries both large and small, rich and poor, politically stable and politically volatile -- the world witnessed that the movements these two environmental leaders envisioned and inspired are alive and growing. That all of us working together can truly move the planet.
MovingPlanet@Kos is a collaborative action with the Moving Planet team, the Global Campaign for Climate Action, WiserEarth, tcktcktck, the Sierra Club, DeSmogBlog, EcoCity Builders, and Transition US. Together, we are launching a 'package' of educational and inspirational writing and art, rattling the twitterverse in a cooperative social media campaign, and sharing some of the most innovative and extraordinary 9/24 events.
Visit the Moving Planet Earthship for updates and links to news and postings, and here for Moving Planet Coverage@Kos.

Hoy en Jaureguiberry- Uruguay para Planeta en Movimiento!!!Estimados amigos de 350:Hoy se desarrolló en Jaureguiberry la jornada prevista en el marco de
la movilización mundial contra el cambio climático para ir más allá de los combustibles
fósiles. Photo by 350
From Uruguay To Mill Valley ... Dumaguete City to Izmir ... Avignon to Melbourne ... in over 2000 events, the message was loud and clear: "There is no PLANET B." (Check out these incredible images!)
This morning, as reports continue to file in from around the globe, there can be no doubt the people of the world are united: We ALL care about climate change, we all realize the role of fossil fuels in global warming, and none of us want to continue contributing to this problem. We want real solutions. Now.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, Transition Mill Valley coordinated a host of events for townspeople to bike or walk to, including a demonstration of the Laughing Chicken coupe in the town's soon-to-open Sustainability Center. Photo by Bruce Richards.
As Bill wrote yesterday morning, "... there are people with the same hopes and dreams and fears fighting the same fight in a thousand different languages. Like anything big and heavy, it takes some work to get a planet in motion. But were giving it a hell of a shove today!"

Dumaguete City, Philippines. Foundation University students and faculty "taking over and redeeming" Perdices St yesterday, as they celebrate 350.org and Moving Planet with the rest of the World. Photo by Hersley-Ven Casero
In discussing the inception of WiserEarth, Paul once said: “I knew that if we could understand the connections and visualize the breadth of global efforts on behalf of social and environmental justice, we would recognize the largest movement the world has ever seen. WiserEarth is where this movement can begin to see itself.”

Moving Planet 350 Melbourne, Waterfront Docklands Photo by Jeckafou
Yesterday, Moving Planet truly cemented that vision into global action, inspiring an unprecedented movement of individuals and tapping into the power in all of us. We are most definitely no longer just feeling 'a blessed unrest;' No, we are now in motion. We have become a 'moving planet.' And we don't have time to lose this momentum.

IZMIR, TURKEY. JCI (JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL) IZMIR BRANCH MOVED FOR CLIMATE ON SEPTEMBER 24. On September 24, JCI members gathered NGO's, cycling teams an university students. On order to be impactful, they acted together; they got on their bicycles and sailed calling for the world to go beyond fossil fuels, support environment friendly transportation modes and give importance to forestation.Photo 350.org
In Avignon, France, WiserEarth members met yesterdayto discuss renewable energy, but the WiserEarth community is involved in seeking solutions on problems like wise energy, sustainable development and climate justice every day, most particularly through our WiserActions group.
Welcome to our new world. After yesterday, it most certainly feels like a 'wiser' one.
Peggy Duvette is the Executive Director of WiserEarth.org, a community of over 55,000+ that helps the global movement of people and organizations working toward social justice, indigenous rights, and environmental stewardship to connect, collaborate, share knowledge, and build alliances. WiserEarth is also encouraging individuals and change makers to connect at the local level through WiserLocals events.
Earthship Thursday Eve Launching MovingPlanet@KOS
Friday, September 23 ALL TIMES EST
Moving Planet Launch Post 9/22 by boatsie
9 am -11 Enviro Writer: Taking the Reins of the Climate Movement
11-1: Jill Richardson: A Story of Sheep & The Climate Crisis
1-3 Kelly Rigg, Global Campaign for Climate Action, A Tale of Two Cities
3-5: R. Fox: Moving the Planet with Just a Bicycle
5-7 Richard Register, Ecocity Builders, Freeways for Bicycles, as in the Old Days
7-11 Franke James, Environmental Artist, What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Million are Frying the Planet?
11-1 Ellinorianne: Moving Planet: Transition is Moving Me
Saturday, September 24 ALL TIMES EST
7-9: B Amer: Moving Planet Bangkok
9-11 Bill Mckibben: Yemen This Morning
11-1: Nicole Gheo, Sierra Club: From India to the Heart of Appalacia
1-3: Ulookarmless: Poems for the Trip
3-5: Adam Siegel: Killing or Creating The Future: Solar at two ends of the Mall ...
5-7 rb137: Moving Planet: Fossil Fuels Aren't Cheap
7-9: WarrenS: Variations on a Moving Planet Theme: Two LTEs
9-12 citisven: Climate Heroes: Liveblog for Report Ins
Sunday wrap ups ALL TIMES EST
9- Noon Peggy Duvette, WiserEarth, Events around world
Noon-3: Post Carbon Institute
TDB: Wrap Up