Please do not comment in this diary unless it is to volunteer to do a child diary. This is a Mothership diary to allow us to keep up to date with the protests in the Middle East.
If you have recc'd the previous Mothership (5), please unrec it. This keeps only one Mothership diary on the Rec List.
If the mothership is not near the bottom of the rec list, then please consider waiting to rec it until it is. This allows for more people to have the opportunity to see it and to keep it visible for as long as possible.
To comment on the protests, please go to the current child diary HERE.
If you've posted a new diary on this subject, please post a link and it will be added to the links posted below.
Current Child Diary: Egypt Liveblog: Sub-Diary #25"
Previous Child Diaries:
Dingodude - Egypt Liveblog: Subdiary #24
UnaSpenser - Egypt Liveblog: Subdiary #23
Conchita - Egypt Liveblog: Subdiary #22
Flyswatterbanjo - Egypt Liveblog: Subdiary #21
Scarce - Egypt Liveblog: Subdiary #20
Lexington1 - Egypt Liveblog: Sub-Diary #19"
Lefty Coaster - US calls for an "orderly transition" Elbaradei: "I would advise him to leave today"
BlueDragon - Egypt Liveblog: Sub-Diary #17
David PA - Egypt liveblog: Sub-Diary #16
Politik - Egypt liveblog: Sub-Diary #15
Simone Daud - Arab Sources (January 30th)
Scarce - Egypt Liveblog: Child Diary #13
OllieGarkey - Update: Pan-Arab Revolution! Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen.
dmac - Egypt Uprising Child Diary 10
Blue Dragon - Egypt Liveblog: Sub-Diary # 9
Scarce - Egypt Child Diary #8 Liveblog
James Allen - Egypt Uprising Child #7
Scarce - Egypt Child Diary #6 Liveblog
Dmac - Egypt Child Diary #5
Politik - Egypt liveblog: sub-diary #4
Flyswatterbanjo - Egypt Child Diary #3
OllieGarkey - Breaking: Police Siding with Protesters in Egypt. Mubarak regime falling.
bicycle Hussein paladin - Why Iran 1979 Went to the Islamists and This One Won't
weasel - Updates on the Egyptian Protests
Previous Mothership Diary by conchita:
Egyptian Middle East Protests Liveblog Mothership Diary 5
Kossak Sillia gives a concise explanation of the mothership and liveblog:
This diary, that is, the mothership, forms the hub from which you can reach the other diaries. Or, think of it as a table of contents in the front page of a book. You use this diary to find a link to the latest discussions. You can also find links here to past discussions (previous diaries) if you wanted to read them.
A "child diary" is where the discussion is -- once one of these gets so long that its size is cumbersome (300 comments), they start a new one. So if you wanted to join in to the most current discussion, you'd click the most recent link. But they leave the links there so that people can still go back and read the older ones if they wish.
The reason for this setup is that it prevents the recommended list from being filled up with many diaries on the same topic. Instead just the mothership will appear on the rec list where everybody can find it, which they can use to navigate to the latest discussion. (That's why we are asked to "rec" the mothership but not the other diaries, just reduces confusion.) I hope this is sort of what you were wanting to know...
Recommended Video Feed
Live Video Feed from Al Jazeera here
Recommended Twitter Feeds
#suez #egypt #jan25 #ioerror
Recommended News Streams:
The Guardian - Protests in Egypt Live Updates
BBC - Egyptian Unrest Day 5
opendna has posted a powerful twitter streaming tool which allows you to stream #jan25 and 'egypt' twitter feeds. Highly recommended.
simone daud has a new regularly-updated news feed Arab Sources (30th January) from Arabic sources (mostly RNN and MB forums). Additionally, there are several other Arabic speaking Kossacks: soysauce, unspeakable, sortalikenathan, and fire bad tree pretty, that can help in translations or give context not necessarily being presented in English-language media. If anyone else can help with translations please let people know in comments.
Sign the Avaaz petition "to stand with the people of Egypt in their demand for freedom and basic rights, an end to the crackdown and internet blackout, and immediate democratic reform. We call on our governments to join us in our solidarity with the Egyptian people.
Contact your elected representative and ask them to publicly demand that Egypt immediately halt all violence against the protesters and respect the freedoms of all Egpytians."
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Webform for email:
Senators: You can find contact information for your senators here
Representatives: You can look up your representatives here
Or simply call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
Also, you can contact the US State Department at (202) 647-4000. Word is you can only leave a message at this point, but it still helps to put pressure on them to act correctly.
Please also contact the Egyptian embassies in the U.S. and tell the Egyptian government to respect the rights of the people of Egypt.
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
3521 International CTM.W.
Washington DC, 20008
Tel: (202) 895-5400
Fax: (202) 224-4319/5131
Ambassador's Residence
2301 Massachussetts St.
NW Washington DC, 20008
Egyptian Consulate -- New York
1110 2nd Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Tel: (212) 759-7120/1/2
Egyptian Consulate -- Chicago
30 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60603
Egyptian Consulate -- Houston
2000 West Loop South
Houston, Texas 77027
Tel: (713) 961-4915/6, 961-4407
Egyptian Consulate -- San Francisco
3001 Pacific Avenue
San Francisco, California 94115
Tel: (415) 346-9700/2
Direct Actions/Petitions:
CREDO Action (h/t cotterperson; description)
URGENT They're running out of medicine in Cairo; maxomai
In-Depth Blog Posts or News Articles: if you link to them in the comments in child diaries, I'll add them here.
Juan Cole's background analysis of the causes of Egypt’s Class Conflict, posted on 01/30/2011, is one of the most important articles for Americans to read right now, per NBBooks.
Mondoweiss has a series of posts on Egypt.
Boing Boing's own posts and their Egypt news roundup
The Angy Arab News Service (As'ad Abu Khalil) has ongoing insights/commentary and a broad network of contacts in the Arab world (h/t sofia).
links to multimedia (videos and stuff) of Egypt protests
Salon article on the Mubarak regime's lobbyists
I applaud this Washington Post editorial.
Don't Fear the Muslim Brotherhood by the Brookings Institution (h/t bicycle Hussein paladin).
Teacher's Lounge: Teaching Cairo by annetteboardman (if enough teachers want to suggest lessons or teaching methods on this, I'll add a new section for teaching resources/suggestions)
The Arabist; Egyptian journalist, Iskandr El Amrani's blog (h/t soysauce)
alMasr Al-Youm:; Independent Egyptian media considered the most important outlet in Egypt; Arabic with English co-site. (h/t soysauce]
Latest Egyptian Antiquities News Kossack Thutmose V is tracking the story around the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities.
Many Kossaks have been covering this developing story. Here's a listing of the diaries posted since the events in Egypt started to unfold (Tuesday, January 25, 2011). Please check them out.
Egypt: A season for joy & of exile for fear; Catilinus
Elbaradei: "I would advise him to leave today" US calls for an "orderly transition"; Lefty Coaster
Huffington Post Disses the Jasmine Revolution Redux; Clay Claiborne
What happened to antiquities in Iraq is happening in places in Egypt; annette boardman
Revolution! Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, updates on widespread protests.; OllieGarkey
Opposition Groups Unite Behind ElBaradei; David Mizner
My Daughter Told to Evacuate Egypt; Bendygirl
ElBaradei, Muslim Brotherhood Offer Path Out of Egypt Confrontation; Robert Naiman
Arab Sources (30th January); Simone Daud (Current translations from Arabic media)
Same Folks Who Lied Us into Iraq Now Lying about Muslim Brotherhood; Phoenix Woman
Latest Egyptian Antiquities News; Thutmose V
We are all Khalid Saeed; Garret
Wikileaks Informationthread 49: Omar Suleiman And Etc.; cedar park
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R) gets it completely wrong on Egypt.; Patience John (because this is what the Egyptian people are ALSO up against.)
Egypt, Jordan, and Fear Based US Foreign Policy; Edger
Egypt: What happens next?; JackMcCullough
US Secretly Backed Egypt Protest Leaders For 3 Years; Mets102
Egypt: Democracy not Made in America; nicolo caldoraro
*Hand in Hand, the Army and the People Are One*; Robert Naiman
New Egyptian Vice President Ran Secret US Torture Program In Egypt; Yashwanth Manjunath
The Army and The People are One!; josephwouk
URGENT They're running out of medicine in Cairo; maxomai
Suspend Military Aid to Mubarak NOW. El Baradei Calls U.S. Response Weak; Ralph Lopez
Update: Pan-Arab Revolution! Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen.; OllieGarkey
U.S. Youth Unemployment and the Egyptian Revolution; ibwip
Teacher's Lounge: Teaching Cairo; annetteboardman
Egypt Explodes; US Video Media Gape; davidseth
Israel/Palestine News; Friendlystranger
No Internet? No Problem! Anonymous Faxes Egypt; Clay Claiborne
Open Thread: Egypt; DarkSyde/frontpage
Food Prices Cause Unrest in Egypt? Part II; notdarkyet
The best help: Leaving Egypt alone; Hugo Estrada
Arab sources; simone daud (Invaluable Arabic translations.)
What I love and hate, context: right now, Cairo/Egypt; erratic
Egyptian People Protect the Antiquities Museum; Thutmose V
Cut-off Money to Mubarak Now! He Says He Will Stay.; Ralph Lopez
Obama's response to the Egyptian Crisis; fladem
Egypt Backgrounder; vonzapfenau
Mubarak: "I'm Firing Everyone But Me"; zenbassoon
Cut-off Money to Mubarak Now; Ralph Lopez
Egypt Child Diary #6 Liveblog; Scarce
Egypt Child Diary #5; Dmac
"Yo, Egypt, cut the crap!"; Seneca Doane
Egypt's 40 year 'state of emergency' is now America's emergency [poll]; BOknows
Getting the facts straight on Egypt's relationship with the US; blue aardvark
Breaking: Gibbs Says US Will Review Aid to Egypt; samdiener
Anonymous statement on Egypt; barrettbrown
Faux News' developing meme: "Egypt is Obama's Fault"; RockyinConnecticut
Egypt: Things Have Changed for Good--Mubarak Regime is Done; Mutual Assured Destruction
Egypt liveblog: sub-diary #4; Politik
What To Expect in Egypt; catherineD
Mid-East Conflict Fry'd Daze - The rest of the news; volleyboy1
Egypt is on Fire!; Clay Claiborne
BlowbackClinton: 'We support the universal human rights of the Egyptian people'; frontpage
Egypt turns off internet, Lieberman wants same option for US; Cenobyte
Blowback: Hacktivists versus Dictators; gjohnsit
Egypt Child Diary #3; Flyswatterbanjo
Fox's shockingly awesome coverage of Egypt uprising; frontpage
The Obama Administration Stands With The Mubarak Dictatorship; krikkit4
Mohamed ElBaradei: "If Not Now, When?"; Robert Naiman
Curfew just announced in Egypt.; Delver Rootnose
Breaking: Police Siding with Protesters in Egypt. Mubarak regime falling.; OllieGarkey
Egyptian American Activist: Hillary Clinton Forgets to Mention Tear Gas, Tanks, Concussion Grenades; BookWarm
"This Is What Egypt's Cut-Off Of The Internet Looks Like:" (Graphics/Charts); Hissyspit
On the View from Egypt Part Five, Or, The Emergency is Here; Fake Consultant
North African Revolution Continues; Clay Claiborne
Hillary Could Do More to Stay Pharaoh's Hand; Robert Naiman
Protest in Libya, Algeria. More Planned; AoT
Egyptian Internet Blackout; Ryvr
Egypt: tomorrow is a test of the strength of the opposition and the Mubarak regime; Mutual Assured Destruction
Adalah: the Winter of Arab Discontent Hotlist; unspeakable
Updated: We are all Khaled Said. US Supported Regime killing civilians.; OllieGarkey
Tunisia, Egypt, ... And Now Yemen.; amk for obama
Updates on the Egyptian Protests, weasel
A Welcome Shift in the Obama Administration's Rhetoric on Democracy in the Middle East; Neil Hicks
Obama Snubs Middle Eastern Freedom Fighters Again; Omert
Tomgram: Juan Cole, American Policy on the Brink; TomDispatch
Update on Egyptian Protests; weasel
UPDATED: Egypt Protests Continue, Tunisia Wants Ben Ali Back; Clay Claiborne
Waiting for Krauthammer on Egypt; Avenging Angel
Egypt: Smart move from the Muslim Brotherhood ; Mutual Assured Destruction
Egypt: Lack of a Consistent U.S. Message on Human Rights and Democracy Fuels Unrest in the Arab World; Neil Hicks
UPDATED- Please Ask Hillary: Tell Egyptian Government Hands off Protesters Now!; Ralph Lopez
Egypt and the Secular Revolution; Yusufsaad
BREAKING: Protesters Plan Massive Day of Wrath in Egypt Today; Clay Claiborne
Changes are Coming: News Flashes from the Middle East; weasel
NOW - Thousands Protesting in Egypt; koNko
Revolution in Egypt?; greendem
Egypt: Just popular unrest or the beginning of the end of the Mubarak regime?; Mutual Assured Destruction