In reflecting on the events over the last couple of years that have led up to todays tragedy, one thing stands leader of the Republican party stepped up to the plate and said, "Whoa, this is just wrong." Not one. Heaven knows they've had a plethora of opportunities....but they didn't do it.
Take a second look at the photos in Land of Enchantment's diary titled Second Amendment Remedies. Not one Republican Senator or Representative stood up, smiled at the camera and said, "Whoa, this is just wrong." Silence was the gold standard for the leadership's behavior. Not one Republican leader said that target shooting ads are inappropriate. Cable ran them and reran them. Not one Republican leader said, "Remove these damned ads, they are wrong, they are inappropriate, they are tawdry."
Joe Wilson yelled, "YOU LIE!" during the State of The Union Speech, how many Republican Senators or Representatives stood up and said, "Whoa, that's just wrong?"
When Bachmann said on Hardball
I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America?
how many Senators or Representatives stood up and said, "Whoa, that's just wrong."
Just days ago,, while the Constitution was being read aloud, someone
interrupted by shouting "except Obama, except Obama" at the part about citizenship. When Brian Williams brought this up to Speaker Boehner, noting that twelve members of congress are sponsoring "birther" legislation, Boehner did not respond with, "Whoa, that's just wrong."
No, he said:
The state of Hawaii has said that Obama was born there, that's good enough for me. Talk about a missed opportunity to show leadership and force the troops to stop such nonsensical behavior.
When Sharrrron Angle referred to Second Amendment remedies, what Republican stood up and said, "Whoa, that's just wrong."
On February 27, 2010, Frank Rich wrote about the "obsessed and deranged" and wow, did he foresee...regarding the new "grass roots leaders"
But these leaders do have a consistent ideology, and that ideology plays to the lock-and-load nutcases out there, not just to the peaceable (if riled up) populist conservatives also attracted to Tea Partyism. This ideology is far more troubling than the boilerplate corporate conservatism and knee-jerk obstructionism of the anti-Obama G.O.P. Congressional minority.
To the Republican leaders, Senators and Representatives I have just one thing to say. It's time.