Day 20. Daily liveblog and open thread for #OccupyWallStreet events and news. Updates are below in the diary (with timestamps, newest first) and in the comments from various people. Comments about related events and stories are appreciated.
Link: All information about donations can be found here:
Physical mailing address:
Do look at the link above for information about sending things.
Re: Occupy Wall Street
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038
In person: If you go to Zuccotti Park Liberty Plaza/Park/Square you can also easily deliver money and/or goods straight to the people. They have committees who accept and take good care of your donations immediately and very graciously.
Web sites: (Be patient with this one. They are having trouble keeping up with the traffic).
Occupy Together
Today's Protests
Various #Occupy events all across the country including some kickoffs, some of which are:
Today's Mothership Resource diary: Occupy Wall Street Mothership - Oct 6
(All times are Eastern)
7:14pm: Livestream is showing #OccupyBoston, a general assembly meeting.
7:01pm: This is what I was able to get from the Q & A session with Naomi Klein. This was done with the people's microphone so I will leave it in that fragmented format:
Naomi Klein: We can end the deficit by ending the wars and taxing the rich
A hell of a lot of it is here on wall street and we want it back
A lot of it is at the pentago and we want that back too
We should not end the wars because they're too expensive
We should end them because they're morally reprehensible
Q: Don't Democratic leaders think this is an answer to the tea party, why do you disagree with that?
A: I think this is the answer to the Democratic party
(applause, now longer applause)
Q: How do you encourage ppl to jump into a system that's broken?
A: I'm not sure that we should
I think that this is happening
Because we understand that the system is broken and we need to fix the system
The definition of insanity
Is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
We can have allies
Who are elected representatives
But I don't think that's what this movement has been about and I don't think we should change the subject
Q: How can we overcome the amplication of speech out here? It is a free speech issue.
(Referring to the difficulty of using the people's microphone)
A: I agree with you
We are bombarded withe corporate messages all day long
We cannot withdraw our consent to be advertised at everywhere
Yet I can't speak to you here with a microphone
I love the sound of your voices
(Lost the live feed)
(Livefeed resumes)
Q: As this movement continues to grow how do we keep nonviolence with increasing amount of police brutality?
A: Keep shaming the police
NYPD has revealed itself
To be paid mercenaries for JP Morgan
This carries eloquently to prove the point you are making here
I think the strategy so far has worked really well
NYPD has gotten a lot of bad press
It is driving them crazy that they can't paint you guys as hooligans
Do everything you can
To keep denying them that
Q: What shocks do you see that we that we can anticipate and not allow to overwhelm us?
A: We already know their ??
They are extremely unoriginal
They want whats left of the public sphere and there's not much
Q: Do you think bringing back Glass Steagal would have any positive effect?
A: Yes I think it is an important demand
Q: How do we translate the energy in this into ??
A: Something is happening
Giving people courage
Telling them they're not alone and they're not crazy
We're giving them the faith to find one another
But this is not group therapy
We also want to change the world
This group has to create democratic structures
It just can't happen overnight
But I bet you
Not to fetishize
Not having the structure
We ???
And it destroyed our movement
And in the intervening decade
These corporations have gotten that much more powerful and that much more destructive
The reason we don't have structure
Is because we stand in the rubble
Of more than fifty years of systematic attacks on the Left
With McCarthyism
To CoIntelpro
To the attacks on trade unions
That are still going on
Capitalism has isolated us from each other
The structures will be different and will reflect new reality
But we need them
Q: Are you willing to go on national media
To promote this movement and ask...
A: I am going on RAchel Maddows show tonight
(big applause)
Q: ? (something about speaking in the media)
A: It's almost as hard
As making a substantial point
With more echoes
6:30pm: From Livestream: Naomi Klein is speaking to everyone at Zuccotti using the people's microphones. Right now she is answering questions. She tells them "you are not cannon fodder for Washington policy wonks." Just before that after being asked a question and told them that they they have to develop a way to speak for themselves democratically otherwise they risk other people using their energy for their own purposes. There must be a lot of people there because they are using two levels of people's microphone. Actually maybe three or four levels, now that I am listening more closely. Definitely three, maybe more.
6:12pm: Just got home from #OccupyPhilly and it was great.

3:00pm: OccupyPortland LiveStream going live!
(updated by angelajean)
2:45pm: LiveStream for OccupyDallas - thanks to temptxan in the comments below.
Also OccupyDallas is asking for WATER. If you are headed that way, see what you can do to help out please.
(update by angelajean)
12:35pm: LiveStream DC seems to working now:
(update from angelajean)
12:30pm: I'm heading over to #OccupyPhilly now and will be back a bit later with pictures and information.
12:25pm: Livestream is live and broadcasting from DC. Freedom Plaza looks pretty crowded now. People look to be standing in groups talking to each other. Some are sitting on patches of grass. There is a folk singer singing. Sounds like he has a sound system. There are some umbrellas and I saw some tents earlier and canopies. Weather looks to be good.
12:17pm: My notes on President Obama's answers to questions about #OccupyWallStreet and other #Occupy movements around the country in his press conference this morning are below. This is not a perfect transcript. I caught as many of his words as possible but some of it (small amount) is paraphrasing.
Obviously I've heard of it and seen it on TV...think it expresses deep frustration...American people feel biggest financial crisis since great depression... yet you're still seeing some of same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight corrective practices... think ppl are frustrated and protesters are giving voice to more broad frustration to how our financial system works... we have to have strident effective financial sector in order for us to grow.. I used up a lot of political capital to prevent meltdown...that was the right thing to do because it would have been even worse... in order to have healthy system.. can't be competing based on practice of hidden fees deceptive practices and derivative cocktails.. Dodd-Frank was designed to do ... said we wouldnt have financial bailtouts .. gonna have consumer watchdog.. mortgage brokers gonna have to be straight with ppl... what weve seen over the last year, not only did financial sector along w/ Republicans fight us every step of the way but they want to roll back....
Richard Cordray, my nominee, chief watchdog financial products.. well regarded in ohio, Republicans and Democrats say he is a serious person who looks out for consumers, Repubs saying won't confirm him and not only that will rollback financial reforms... does not make sense to American people and they are frustrated by it, will continue to be frustrated until everybody is playing by same set of rules...
I'm going to work for consumer watchdog.. will be supportive of banks who are doing the right thing, lending... providing businesses and families resources.. but until American people see that happening they will be frustrated, two sets of rules
The American people understand that not everybody's been following the rules, that Wall St has been an example of that,... these days a lot of folks who are doing the right things aren't rewarded and a lot who aren't doing right things are being rewarded...
Jake Tapper: "Your admin hasn't been aggressive prosecuting..."
Obama: One of biggest problems about collapse of Lehmans and subsequent fiasco is that a lot of that stuff wasn't necessarily illegl but was immoral, innapropriate, reckless, that's why we passed Dodd-Frank.. financial sector is very creative always looking to make money, will take advantage of loopholes... about prosecutions that's not my job that's Atty Gen job, they had huge destructive impact, that's why it was important for us to put rules in place
11:21am: From OLinda in the comments:
Naomi will be speaking at the Open Forum at Occupy Wall Street in NYC on Thursday, October 6 (6pm).
DemocracyNow "Naomi's part starts 42 minutes in and runs 17 minutes. She talks about OWS and Keystone XL. Very worth watching."
Link to Naomi Klein on DemocracyNow!: Naomi Klein: Protesters Are Seeking Change in the Streets Because It Won’t Come From the Ballot Box
11:00am: President Obama in a press conference saying his jobs bill will boost economic growth. Says any Senator who will not vote for it will have to explain why, considering the urgent need for it.
10:55am: From Twitter on #OccupyDC
@AndrewSmith810 Andrew Smith
If the #occupyDC rally seems small, its probably because all the protesters are stuck on a #metro somewhere... #WMATA #fail
19 seconds ago via TweetDeck
@UCEarth UCEarth
#occupydc General Assembly (decision mtg) at 12 noon. Warm food will be served
1 minute ago via web #occupydc
@nbcwashington NBCWashington
#OccupyDC rally gathers blocks from White House, plans to march to K Street to protest lobbyists
2 minutes ago via TweetDeck
10:50am: I think we just caught a bit of livestreaming from NYC. It looked a bit windy and looked like they were returning from the morning march on Wall Street. Now back to videos from yesterday's march to Foley Square.
10:36am: Livestream is not live right now. They are showing videos from the wild events last night.
Links to other liveblogs:
@AdamGabbatt at The Guardian
@GregMitch at The Nation
@KevinGosztola at The Dissenter
10:16am: In this comment by Ice Blue, in weathercoins' diary is a tweet with this picture of the baton wielding NYPD Officer Connolly with his badge clearly showing.
9:49am: Via Greg Mitchell:
9:20 Howard Dean weighs in on Occupy: "I've been waiting for something like this to happen."
8:30 Scuffles and conflict in San Francisco, as well, last night.
8:20 Yet another video of violence last night in NYC, as one of the livestream camera guys gets busted, struck in head and taken to paddy wagon, where he keeps filming.
9:16am: Livestream is streaming #OccupyDC. There are some interviews going on, I can hear drums, some other music in the background and sirens. Not too many people in the plaza right now, or at least not in the camera's view. At the moment an outspoken homeless man is being interviewed and is telling people to get out there. "Now is our time. Join us! It seemed like I was a voice crying in the wilderness. Now I'm in tears. Folks don't hold back. Get your neighbors out in the streets... walk out and join us... We are all the 99 percent." He's saying he is AnonoppaDC ?. I'm not sure what the name was but it sounded like that. He is reading the messages in the chat stream and answering questions.
"It's on. Change is coming. Real change... Stand up. Get out in the streets. It's on... I'm homeless because I lost my job. I'm 70 and I'm out here with you... The next step is ours. What are we going to do with it? Get out from behind your computers and join us... They were laughing at me saying this can never happen in America. Well hey it's happening and it's live streaming... We do hold two parks in DC, Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square. The building behind me is what we call the Wilson building... Get people to walk out of their offices... Please, join us. Come and join us brothers and sisters... Thank you for joining us. We've got to end the wars. We've got to shut down the machine."
Mark from Liberty Park is there with him, handling the livestream. Yesterday on the livestream in NYC, someone on the media team said they were taking a bus to DC. I don't know how many went to DC or if the livestreaming will be switching back and forth between DC and NYC.
9:12am: President Obama has scheduled a news conference at 11am.
Occupy DC to protest on Freedom Plaza Thursday
Protestors marched to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, and plan to hold a rally and concert at Freedom Plaza at noon Thursday, according to their Web site.
#OccupyWallStreet Diaries
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