(Larry Downing/Reuters)
Mitt Romney,
in a speech earlier today:
As President, on Day One, I will focus on rebuilding America’s economy. I will reverse President Obama’s massive defense cuts. Time and again, we have seen that attempts to balance the budget by weakening our military only lead to a far higher price, not only in treasure, but in blood.
Little problem with this one, which the Wall Street Journal's Jonathan Weisman points out on Twitter. In chart form (source here, table 3.2):
I'm struggling really hard to figure out what Romney means here. Perhaps he means that President Obama "cut" negative $74 billion from defense spending over the last year. (Remember, a negative minus a negative is a positive.) Or maybe it's the word "massive" we should be focusing on. Could it be, perhaps, that Romney objects to spending on comparatively lightweight drones, instead of more massive aircraft carriers?
Of course, there's one other possibility: Mitt Romney is full of shit. As per usual.