Earth's early ancient steamy oceans, here depicted with a much nearer sentinel-like holding guard may have been delivered by present day Kuiper Belt objects. Art courtesy of Karen Wehrstein
Scientsts have found the chemical fingerprint which is a dead ringer for the oceans on earth. It is far, far away and formed long, long ago. If confirmed this would mean our bodies are a rather celestial recipe:
Much of earth’s water probably arrived later, after the planet had formed, delivered by comets. That in itself suggests the early solar system was a more dynamic and incredibly violent place than the relatively serene we know and love. We are a mixture stardust and comet water, and that’s pretty cool.
- The technoligical singuarlity approaches. Speaking of which, as age 50 looms, I could use one of those Bruce Willis surrogates and I believe this now reportedly real-life event scene was shown as a ficitonal scene in the very beginning of the move to set up the premise.
- The discovery of the most mysterious force in the cosmos is a well deserve topic for the Nobel Prize in Physics. And there's plenty more where that came from for anyone who figures out what it is and how it works.
- Haha! The GOP to reclaim the mantle of science? My brief response:
As long as he GOP is stuck having to bamboozle voters with emotional distractions and fabricated bullshit to win elections, any discipline which built on facts and reasonable inference is going to fall by the wayside ...
To Mr Steve Jobs and friends. You changed my youth, and by proxy the arc of my life, both for the better -- DS