UPDATE Monday October 25, 2011 10:40 a.m. CDT: The activist who produced this video was on local radio this morning (audio podcast probably available later today on slysoffice.com) and mentioned that yesterday the views total on Youtube was at around 3,000. Today it is over 19,000. The video and /or this diary has been shared thousands of time, so it will continue to grow. Thank you, DKos readers! I'm sure your sharing and viewing is a large part of that total! Thanks again!!!
I posted this video as an update to my previous diary after I first watched it last night, but one of the commenters suggested it needed to be posted separately. The more I watch, the more I agree. Watch it here then allow me some commentary after the fold. Thanks.
The video was produced by one of the dedicated young activists and citizen journalists who have been struggling to preserve the rights we have in Wisconsin, rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the Wisconsin Constitution, and state statutes.
This journalist's facebook page is called Shit Scott Walker is Doing to My State, perhaps a bit crude but after you watch the video you will probably agree that "shit" is an understatement.
This is what he shared when he posted this video on the SSWIDTMS facebook page:
The freedom of press is actively being suppressed by the Wisconsin Capitol Correspondents Association (WCCA).
My press credentials for the Capitol were just revoked this afternoon.
The head of the association is the Capitol reporter for the Journal Sentinel and has a vested interest in blogs and citizen media not having the same access as him.
They don't recognize blogs in their bylaws over though the Supreme Court has rule blogs to be legitimate media.
Here is what the activists are defending (hat tip to stcroix cheesehead):
SECTION 1. All people are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights; among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; to secure these rights, governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
SECTION 3. Every person may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right, and no laws shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.
SECTION 4. The right of the people peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, and to petition the government, or any department thereof, shall never be abridged.
...and this from the Wisconsin statutes...
19.90 Use of equipment in open session. Whenever a governmental body holds a meeting in open session, the body shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate any person desiring to record, film or photograph the meeting. This section does not permit recording, filming or photographing such a meeting in a manner that interferes with the conduct of the meeting or the rights of the participants.
Only a totalitarian, lawless government can claim that people silently recording or silently holding sheets of paper in the Wisconsin Assembly gallery are violating any laws.This is what awaits the rest of America. This is why we fight.
Please make this video go viral. Please "Like" the SSWIDTMS facebook page. The more we view, the less the president of the Capitol Correspondents Association can claim that SSWIDTMS is not a legitimate source of information.