The Republican Party wants to make an issue of
Elizabeth Warren's support for Occupy Wall Street:
Warren was asked by the Daily Beast for a comment on the [Occupy Wall Street] protests. She said: “I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do. I support what they do.”
Now the NRSC has opened fire on Warren for the comments, blasting out an email containing links to stories about protesters in Massachusetts battling with cops. Said NRSC spokesman Brian Walsh: “Warren’s decision to not only embrace, but take credit for this movement is notable considering the Boston Police Department was recently forced to arrest at least 141 of her Occupy acolytes in Boston the other day after they threatened to tie up traffic downtown and refused to abide by their protest permit limits.”
I'd say "good luck with that," but, you know, I don't wish them good luck. I just think they'll need it to make this one stick. First off, poll after poll is telling us that Occupy Wall Street is more popular than the tea party.
Second, Elizabeth Warren is a serious Senate candidate (and one scaring the pants off Republicans) because of her longstanding campaign to rein in Wall Street. So ... we're supposed to be surprised and unhappy because she supports people building a movement against Wall Street control of and harm to our economy and politics?
The Republican Party should be ashamed of this lame attempt to damage Warren.