I don't know if I've ever been this pissed off while writing a diary. And I've written about some pretty fucking outrageous things. But my hands are quite literally shaking while I'm typing this. Maybe it was the video footage (which I'm going to share with you...be forewarned, it's quite disturbing) that really drove it home, or maybe this story just takes me back to the days when I got bullied, harassed, and threatened daily and nobody gave a shit. In any case, I'm fit to be tied right now. I think many of you might have the same reaction.
Basically, this is what happened. A student has been harassing another (gay) student at Union-Scioto High School in Chillicothe, Ohio, for quite some time. Apparently, the harassment even extended to Facebook, where the bully commented on a picture of the gay teen (whose name has not been released) and said: "You fag. Check out the definition of a fag." Anyway, video footage caught on another student's cell phone shows this bully standing around and waiting for the gay teen, showing pretty clear premeditation. He then beats the living shit out of him while other students watch. The gay student suffered a possible concussion and a chipped tooth. The video was posted on Facebook. No arrest was made. In fact, the only punishment handed to the assaulter was a three-day suspension from school. Seriously. A three-fucking-day suspension.
Watch the video, which is narrated by the victim's mother, after the fold. Again, it's pretty disturbing.
Let's be clear here. This is not just a case of "bullying." This is a hate crime and felony assault. This "bully" should be arrested, indicted, and found guilty in a court of law. Not sent home to play fucking video games for three days while he plots the next act of violence against his victim for when he returns on the fourth day. Which we can be pretty goddamn sure is what is going to happen.
Equality Ohio has this to say:
Union-Scioto has no policy in place that specifically protects students from being bullied or attacked based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The Union-Scioto Local School District does have a policy that prohibits harassment based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, among others, but it does not specifically protect against harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Of course not.
As Towleroad points out, an anti-bullying bill that would protect LGBT students is currently sitting in Ohio's legislature. It's not a priority. Not that John Kasich would exactly welcome it to his desk.
Clearly, something has to change, if not on the state level, at least on the school district level. A message has to be sent. Not to mention, this particular assaulter needs to be brought to justice. As the video points out, the victim's mother is working on bringing charges against the assaulter. We'll definitely have to keep our eye on this case.
In the meantime, Dan Savage has provided us with the school district's and local law enforcement's contact info. Take advantage of it. I know I will.
Union-Scioto Local Schools District Administration:
Superintendent: Dwight Garrett dgarrett@mail.gsn.k12.oh.us
High School Principal: James Osborne josborne@mail.gsn.k12.oh.us
Unioto High School Asst. Principal: Wilma Gillott wgillott@mail.gsn.k12.oh.us
If they shut off their email:
Administration Office
1565 Egypt Pike
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
Unioto High School
14193 Pleasant Valley Road
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
UPDATE: Here's a link to a story done today by the local newspaper on the incident. The investigation of the incident, which the newspaper calls a "fight," is ongoing.
UPDATE 2: The New Civil Rights Movement has a new story up today on this incident. As you can see in the newspaper story I linked to in the previous update, it appears that the school withheld critical information (like the victim's sexuality) from authorities. Also, Towleroad is reporting that the county prosecutor is anticipating filing assault charges today.