A group of Occupy Wall Street protesters this evening encircled Goldman Sachs' Headquarters in New York City, where it was rumored that George W. Bush was meeting with executives.
The crowd of about 200 boisterously and continuously chanted, "Arrest George Bush" before convening an impromptu General Assembly at the foot of the Goldman Sachs building, which is just blocks from Zuccotti Park.
When the bulk of the protesters decided to return to Zuccotti Park, a heavy police presence escorted someone out of the building. Ryan Devereaux, of Democracy Now, was able to confirm that GW was indeed within the building as protesters screamed for his arrest:
NYPD told us step back, five cars-two NYPD, three unmarked-sped out Goldman. I asked senior white shirt if it was Bush, he said "Yeah." #OWS
A producer for Keith Olbermann's show was on scene, and was also able to confirm that our nation's 43rd president was indeed meeting with Goldman Sachs executives at its headquarters for a "tribute" event. Did you catch that? A tribute.
I wonder why.
And about that tribute? A lead Tweeter for the Occupy Wall Street NYC account (@OccupyWallStNYC) talked with organizers for the tribute, and sent this out:
Talking 2 guys who produced Bush event 2nite. Lots of hedge funders. Said he spoke for KeystoneXL pipeline
Try parsing that one. Regardless of how you read it, one word comes to mind: ugh.
As for how it was known by protesters that GW was at Goldman Sachs, that's anyone's guess.
However, what is not up for speculation is this: Occupy Wall Street is enjoying an incredibly dramatic day today as this movement continues to expand and grow beyond my wildest dreams.
We are the 99 percent!
Follow me onTwitter @David_EHG