DNC executive director Patrick Gaspard:
"In other words, a leading candidate for the GOP nomination for president is on the record in favor of a law that would classify literally all abortions — and even many forms of birth control — as murder," he added. "To be clear: This is the most radical position any of the Republican candidates have taken on this issue, and may be the most radical position any of them have taken on any substantive issue in the race for the nomination so far."
Kaili Joy Gray has written about this law in detail:
This is the reality of the War on Women. As the forced birth movement has already been so successful at legislating barriers to abortion access, they are moving on to the next step. It isn't enough for them to take away a woman's right to terminate an unwanted, or even life-threatening, pregnancy. Now they want to take away contraception. They want to criminalize miscarriage. They want to force rape victims to carry their rapists' babies. They want a law that recognizes their interpretation of God and the Bible.
Mitt Romney, by contrast, has probably not given the law a whole lot of thought. After all, if he gave much thought to each and every position he's taken on abortion, he wouldn't have had time to do anything else. No fundraising, no vacationing at his beachfront vacation house—if Mitt was really thinking it through each time he flipped or flopped on abortion (never mind health care, gay rights, the environment...), that would eat up his entire life. Once again, he's just going with what he thinks he needs to say to get elected. In Massachusetts, that meant touting his leadership as a moderate Republican. Talking with Mike Huckabee about Mississippi, that means taking rights from women in order to give them to eggs.