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6:43 PM PT: BorowitzReport:
BorowitzReport: Rick Perry: "If I'm elected China will not steal intellectual property because I don't have any." #GOPDebate #CNBCDebate
6:47 PM PT: Herman Cain says job one is growing the economy. And that's why he proposed 9-9-9, he says. And Jim Cramer has an aneurysm.
6:48 PM PT: This debate, and this field of candidates, is such a joke. Rick Perry, who spent years being ferried around Texas by corporate lobbyists, is now decrying the influence of corporate lobbyists. Not a single one of them seem fit for the presidency, at least to my biased eyes.
6:50 PM PT: Suddenly, with basically no warning, the debate has ended.
6:51 PM PT: What a weird boring debate. The two things that I'll remember: Herman Cain getting lustily cheered by the audience when he talked about sexual harassment, and Rick Perry drawing a complete blank on the third agency of government that he would seek to eliminate.