You can't go a day without big media conservatives disparaging Berkeley. So let's see what they have to say about these kids:
honest to god, so much respect for these kids. not a single raised fist.
there were broken bones there. young girls surely had bones broken. and the kids stood their ground without losing their cool. without retaliating. my god.
amazing. amazing.
god, I'm humbled by them.
8:37 PM PT: Remember the big picture: these kids have parents. And millions of other kids in college have parents too. And, god-willing, this video will be seen on newcasts across America, just as the child abuse at the hands of the Texas judge was seen everywhere. After all, the circumstances are very similar - non-violent transgression provokes a horrifically violent response. My point is that this is incredibly important for us to spread to friends and family. The alarming trajectory of police violence has to be stopped (and reversed), and making sure this goes everywhere is the best shot we have at preventing a repeat of Kent State.
9:20 PM PT: Some want me to temper the title with an asterisk. Fuck that. I spent four years in the United States fucking Marine Corps, and I'm just not interested in capitulating to some arbitrary standard of speech. Some things deserve an emphatic fucking response. And like it or not, that's my chosen way of delivering my message.
I get that more people might see this diary if I would just conform to community norms. And I say that the norms of this community are probably such that an expletive is warranted here.
Truth is, even if I've got it wrong, this video doesn't need me - it's going to take on a life of its own. If I truly thought that my choice of words would make a difference in terms of the video's reach, I'd change the title.
But this video speaks with or without me. It doesn't need me.
9:37 PM PT: More than one comment notes that workplace software will often deny profanity-laden websites.
OK, I surrender.
I want people to know what these cops did to these peaceful kids. I want it known that your kids may be next in line. I want this to stop. And it's more important that this is stopped than it is for me to say the word "f*ck".
So the machine wins.