The movement to overturn corporate personhood and the Citizens United ruling achieved a major breakthrough last week. Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) introduced a Constitutional Amendment last Tuesday that makes clear that corporations are not people and do not have the rights of people under the US Constitution.
Here’s a very short video (1 :57) of Rep. McGovern discussing why this is so important.
To see the full text of the Amendment and sign on to support it (and to watch the video, if you can’t see it above), please visit our campaign page:
There’s no question that the Occupy Wall Street movement that has swept the country in the past several weeks has played a huge role in getting us to this point. People are in the streets almost everywhere, calling, among other things, for an end to corporate personhood and to corporate control over our democracy.
Join our campaign via the link above and help us put America back in the hands of the people.
Thank you!
- John
John Bonifaz, Director
Free Speech For People