A master of dog-whistle politics speaks
Newt Gingrich switches the bait in his race-baiting from poor kids back to President Obama, then pivots straight to an inadvertent truth:
In comparing himself with Obama, he said, “We are going to have the candidate of food stamps, the finest food stamp president in the American history in Barack Obama and we are going to have a candidate of paychecks.”
If you don't hear race-baiting in referring to Obama as the "food stamp president," well, you probably didn't hear the dog whistle that just blew, either, but that doesn't mean the dog's ears didn't prick up. Seems that now he's on top and people are paying attention to him, he figures it's time to really drive that one home.
And Newt as the paycheck candidate? If by that you mean lots of paychecks going directly to Newt, then sure, his renewed protestations that he was never a lobbyist notwithstanding. Livable paychecks for working people without Tiffany's accounts? Not so much.