When I see the "fake left" (Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnel, Rev. Al...) and Fox News working in unison to attack or marginalize Ron Paul, I realize he can not be bought like Obama (Wall Street), the Republicans or the MSNBC corporate media whores pretending to be progressive.
Unlike 90% of the Democrats and 100% of the Republicans, Ron Paul is the worst nightmare of the military industrial complex. Paul is for a strong defense and the man knows the difference between defense and neocolonialism disguised as "policing" the world. During the countless Republican debates, I believe Ron Paul has displayed true intellectual honesty and courage by questions like, "How do we expect people to want to trade with us while we kill their children?" Other than a fiery Mike Malloy, few would utter such words into the corporate media propaganda pit we allow on the public airways as "News".
A few years back, I recall watching a presidential debate between "W" and John Forbes Kerry that degenerated in to both men shouting at the other that "he" would kill more "terrorists" than the other guy! Since 9/11 we have sent "millions" of Muslims and their children to their deaths. Our Marines love to boast that they are "Widow makers and heart breakers". Amy Goodman (Democracy Now) reported yesterday that there now over 900,000 widows in Iraq. would this carnage and inhumanity have happened under a President Paul?
Let's look at some of the positions that have been used to smear Ron Paul:
The corporate media, both the fake left and the right all seem to be mounting a joint disinformation campaign to "frame" Ron Paul as a racist. To this I ask you to pull out your BS filter. I submit that George Bush (I & II) and Barack Obama are far more "racist" when it comes to "little brown people" than Ron Paul could or would ever be. Between these three men, millions of Muslims and their entire families have been sent to premature deaths. I would that there is nothing more racist then violating someones right to live. Under a President Paul countless millions of brown, yellow and black people, including the children and the elderly, who are sitting on Mother Earth's natural resources would be spared. Ron Paul (like him or not) seems to believe in "trade" over "mass murder" to attain the natural resources of others without chaos, millions of deaths and the lifelong results of injuries sustained in needless violence.
Yet another tag the corporateantis media, both fake left and the Fox side of the right, try to hang on Ron Paul is antisemitism. During the attack on Gaza our congress person in Michigan (John D. Dingell) expressed luke warm empathy for the 1,500 Palestinians including 400 children killed by Israel. (The kill ratio was 100 to 1; 15 Israelis to 1,500 Palestinians.) Dingell was instantly "ripped a new as*hole" by AIPAC Michigan for even his moderate display of mercy and empathy. Again, I submit that intellectually honest men such as Ron Paul and Dingell are no more "racist" than they are antisemitic. Ron Paul has always agreed that the Jewish State of Israel should be safe and allowed to live in peace, but Paul (unlike Obama) also thinks that the Palestinians should have equal rights as well. Now, again I ask you; who sounds like the "racist" here?
By now it should be no secret that Ron Paul is a Libertarian masquerading as a Republican. The man lives or dies by thefree market, and if he had is way so would you. Other than defense, Paul wants all other aspects of our government to be privatized. This would mean an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Dept. of Education, EPA, FDA, FCC etc. Ron Paul believes in his own words that if a company kills your child with a defective product you should be allow to seek damages in court which would somehow change the future behavior of said company. Paul does not seem to value the preemptive actions of the FDA, EPA or other agencies as having any value to the "market". Under President Paul we will more than likely lose about 20% of our population as the sick, old, poor and uninsured will die alone without ever seeing a doctor in their one room cheap rooms, surrounded by empty "at food cans they have tried to survive on. One way to avoid such out comes under President Paul is the formation of "cooperatives" based on the Mondragon model. Reluctantly, I admit that thousands of poor, old and unskilled Americans will probably die living under Ron Paul and his "free market", but under Obama, like Bush before him, countless millions of others around this world, who are just as human as we, will have their lives extinguished in the global corporate quest for natural resources pretending to be a war on a tactic (terrorism)! Is any life more expendable than another?
You know, I could go on forever (ask people who know me); but here is the man himself in the last Republican debate: