We've been pummeling you unmercifully to donate lifetime gift subscriptions for a week or so now, and in spite of really rough times for everyone, you've given and given and given. You've given lifetime subs, you've given to the propane drive, you've given to the Okiciyap Food Pantry Project and the spin-off Christmas Dinner drive for the Okiciyap people. You've given your time, your hearts, your thoughts and prayers. We have Kossacks reaching out for help in all sorts of ways, and in every instance you folks are stepping up to the plate with support, advice, and, yes, money.
I'm going to pop the lists up again, but not to pressure you. Anyone who still has money to give and the willingness to do so will. And you all can decide for yourselves whether you want to use your time or energy here, or elsewhere. I'm not your conscience, I'm not the one who sees your bills, or sees the desperation in your own communities that may be more immediate.
All I can do is thank you. Thank you for the joy you've given here, thank you for the joy you're spreading offline. Whether you're knitting scarves for others, dropping change in the various bell-ringer buckets for good causes, smiling at people who are down, or sitting down and listening to their troubles. Thank you. You've all got heart, you've all got passion. It's why you're here, and it's why you tend to drift to the left of the political spectrum. You care for others, and not just yourselves and your immediate families and friends. You fight like wildcats at times, because you care so much. You want to help NOW but you also want to help for the long haul, and it tortures you to balance one against the other when resources are limited.
You're tired, you're possibly hurting yourself, but even from the depths of despair and pain, you've done what you could to make others happier and healthier. And when this season is over, and the fund drives fade away, you'll keep doing it, just as you were before the fund drives started. You'll fight to expose the corruption, the hypocrisy, and the deliberate attempts to enrich the few at the expense of the many.
So thank you, each and every one of you. Not just the folks involved in this fundraiser, not even just the folks who think fundraising for site subscriptions is a good idea. But ALL of you, because I know that even if you don't think this drive is a priority, I know, I know that you are helping others day in and day out, because it's the guiding light of everyone on the left.
Thank you.
And now onto the rest...
First, anyone wanting to become a donor to the Small Donor Drive, please go to https://www.paypal.com, select the send money option on the left, and type in KelleyRN2@gmail.com as the destination. Nurse Kelley has let me know that at the time the drive ends, an anonymous donor will 'round up' to finish off one last subscription. The last I heard, small donor amounts had gotten 14 Kossacks lifetime subs.
Kossacks who would like, but can't afford lifetime subs before they go away:
Dave in Northridge
DSC on the Plateau
HoundDog tech issue, use workaround name method.
James Allen
joe pittsburgh
JTinDC has a tech issue, go to gift another person, then change out the name in the giftee box
MA Liberal
maybeeso in michigan
ms badger
ms scarlett leadpipe
Pithy Cherub
Radical def
radical simplicity
rebel ga
Rick B
Sixty Something
state of confusion
The Book Bear
Xavier Onassis EMTP
yella dawg
For those of you following the Okiciyap Food Pantry Drive, here is the donation meter to show how far along things are.
Happily, the associated Christmas Dinner for Okiciyap more than reached its goal already :)
Gifted Lifetime Subscriptions (courtesy jayden :)
2thanks ▪ a gilas girl ▪ aaraujo ▪ Abe Frohman ▪ Abra Crabcakeya ▪ Actbriniel ▪ Agathena ▪ Ahiannie ▪ Aji ▪ Alexandra Lynch ▪ Alfonso Nevarez ▪ allergywoman ▪ Amor Y Risa ▪
Anton Bursch ▪ AoT ▪ arizonablue ▪ Avenging Angel ▪ beach babe in fl ▪ begone ▪ BentLiberal ▪ betson08 ▪ bevomav ▪ Bionic ▪ blue jersey mom ▪ bkamr ▪ blueoregon ▪ boatsie ▪ Bob Johnson ▪ Bob Love ▪ Bob Sloan ▪ Brit ▪ Brooke in Seattle ▪ Brubs ▪ BruinKid ▪ buddabelly ▪ bumblebums ▪ Burned ▪
cacamp ▪ carolanne ▪ Carolita ▪ catilinus ▪ CayceP ▪ cfk ▪ Chacounne ▪ Charles CurtisStanley ▪
Charlotte Lucas ▪ chaunceydevega ▪ ChemBob ▪ chicago minx ▪ Christian Dem in NC ▪ CityLightsLover ▪ Colorado is the Shiznit ▪ commonmass ▪ cosmic debris ▪ CuriousBoston ▪ D Wreck ▪ dakinishir ▪ DaNang65 ▪ Davidsfr ▪ DavidW ▪ DawnN ▪ dclawyer06 ▪ Debbie in ME ▪ Debby ▪ Deep Harm ▪ Democrats Ramshield ▪ denig ▪ desertguy ▪ Diogenes2008 ▪ dirkster42 ▪ dopper0189 ▪ Dreaming of Better Days ▪ Dr Erich Bloodaxe RN ▪ DrLori ▪ DruidQueen ▪ earicicle ▪ Ebby ▪ Eddie C ▪ Ed in Montana ▪ eej ▪ Eileen B ▪ Ellid ▪ Ellinorianne ▪ emeraldmaiden ▪
ericlewis0 ▪ escapee ▪ farmerchuck ▪ FarWestGirl ▪ FindingMyVoice ▪ FishOutofWater ▪ flumptytail ▪ Frederick Clarkson ▪ FrugalGranny ▪ gchaucer2 ▪ Geenius at Wrok ▪ GenXangster ▪ ginmar ▪ glendaw271 ▪ glorificus ▪ Gooserock ▪ Got a Grip ▪ GreyHawk ▪ grog ▪ Groucho Marxist ▪ GrumpyOldGeek ▪ gulfgal98 ▪ Haole in Hawaii ▪ HCKAD ▪ high uintas ▪ holerock ▪ homogenius ▪ Hoosier Deb ▪ Horace Boothroyd III ▪ horsefeathers ▪
icebergslim ▪ ilyana ▪ inclusiveheart ▪ jayden ▪ JekyllnHyde ▪ jennifer poole ▪ jessical ▪ jlms qkw ▪ JML9999 ▪ Joes Steven ▪ JoanMar ▪ Joieau ▪ jwinIL14 ▪ KAMuston ▪ Karl Rover ▪ kayakbiker ▪ KelleyRN2 ▪ KenBee ▪ KibbutzAmiad ▪ Kid Oakland ▪ Killer of Sacred Cows ▪ kimoconnor ▪ kirbybruno ▪ kjoftherock ▪ kovie ▪ KVoimakas ▪ kyril ▪ labwitchy ▪ Lady Libertine ▪ Ladywithafan ▪ LaEscapee ▪ Lamont Cranston ▪ Leftcandid ▪ Lefty Coaster ▪ Leftynyc ▪ Liberal Granny ▪ Lightbulb ▪ Limelite ▪ llbear ▪
loggersbrat ▪ Lorinda Pike ▪ Louisiana 1976 ▪ luckylizard ▪ mahakali overdrive ▪ mallyroyal ▪ Matt Z ▪ mayrose ▪ mcmom ▪ mdmslle ▪ Melissa J ▪ Merry Light ▪ michelewln ▪ MinistryOfTruth ▪ Miss Blue ▪ Missys Brother ▪ MKSinSA ▪ Mnemosyme ▪ mommyof3 ▪ Moody Loner ▪ Mortifyd ▪ Mother Mags ▪ mrsgoo ▪ MsGrin ▪ MsSpentyouth ▪
Nanette K ▪ navajo ▪ Nchristine ▪ Neon Vincent ▪ noddy ▪ nonnie9999 ▪ NonnyO ▪ Noor B ▪ NormAl1792 ▪ notdarkyet ▪ noweasels ▪ Nova Land ▪ Nulwee ▪ nyceve ▪ observerinvancouver ▪ occams hatchet ▪ Otteray Scribe ▪ Ozark Homesteader ▪ Pakalolo ▪ parryander ▪ Patric Juillet ▪
peagreen ▪ people power granny ▪ peraspera ▪ peregrine kate ▪ pico ▪ pittie70 ▪ poligirl ▪ priceman ▪ progdog ▪ psychodrew ▪ quarkstomper ▪ racheltracks ▪ raina ▪ ramara ▪ Ray Radlein ▪ remembrance ▪ Regina in a Sears Kit House ▪ revsue ▪ rexymeteorite ▪ Rich in PA ▪ Richard Cranium ▪ RLMiller ▪ roseeriter ▪ rserven ▪ rsmpdx ▪ rubyr ▪ ruleoflaw ▪
Safina ▪ Sara R ▪ ScottyUrb ▪ scribe ▪ sdf ▪ Seneca Doane ▪ SensibleShoes ▪ shesaid ▪ Siri ▪
slinkerwink ▪ slksfca ▪ snoopydawg ▪ Something the Dog Said ▪ Spirit of Life ▪ sricki ▪ srkp23 ▪ Statusquomustgo ▪
StateofEuphoria ▪ Steven D ▪ Susan G in MN ▪ swampyankee ▪ SwedishJewfish ▪ Syoho ▪ teacherken ▪ teej ▪ TexH ▪ TexMex ▪ TheFatLadySings ▪ theRoaringGirl ▪ the mom in the middle ▪
The Troubadour ▪ timewarp ▪ TomorrowsProgressives ▪ Tonyahky ▪ Tool ▪
Translator ▪ triciawyse ▪ triv33 ▪ twigg ▪ TX Scotia ▪ ulookarmless ▪ UnaSpenser ▪
Unitary Moonbat ▪ unspeakable ▪ ursoklevar ▪ vcmvo2 ▪ VeloVixen ▪ Vetwife ▪ voracious ▪ watercarrier4diogenes ▪ water willow ▪ wayoutinthestix ▪ weatherdude ▪ webranding ▪ welso ▪ whatGodmade ▪ wide eyed lib ▪ winglion ▪ Winter Rabbit ▪ woodtick ▪ Wu Ming ▪ Youffraita ▪ zaka1 ▪ ZenTrainer ▪ Zoskie ▪ Zwoof ▪
(Vyan and bruh1 giftsubs incoming, presumably by snail mail :)
And as a final note, I would sincerely appreciate it if, in the comments below, people would attempt not to insult each other, and to merely walk away from comments they feel are disruptive or insulting, rather than giving them further prominence by responding to them.
12:44 PM PT: Gotta go for a bit again, time to hit the police station and pay for a background check I need for my nursing clinical. I'll do any needed updates as soon as I'm back.
2:55 PM PT: If you haven't checked out Kos' rec list diary yet, go take a look. You all have absolutely stunned him with your generosity to each other. I won't quote it all, but he said he expected maybe a dozen gift subs, not the nearly 350 that have been given over the last week. (Obviously some folks didn't bother with any list, but went straight into gifting mode :)
6:01 PM PT: Although we've scrolled off the Rec List, smileycreek will be linking this diary in his sub drive one that's going up any second now.
For those who might like to gift someone who's been waiting patiently since the start of the drive...folks who've been on the list since the very start and are still there
7:51 PM PT: Last update of the night, as I'm dead tired. I'll try to get any late changes on the list in the morning. I messaged Onomastic, as I'm hoping she can take her gift subscription drive back tomorrow, I'm going to probably be busy all day. But if she can't, and anyone else wants to take a shot at a 'list' diary, I'd suggest checking in with her first :)