There are ominous signs everywhere that the new international fascist plutonomy is about to get on high gear with their repressive policies. Yahoo! News is reporting that the city of London police placed the Occupy London movement in a "domestic terrorist watch list."
City of London Police have sparked controversy by producing a brief in which the Occupy London movement is listed under domestic terrorism/extremism threats to City businesses.
The document was given to protesters at their “Bank of Ideas” base on Sun Street – a former site of financial corporation UBS. City police have stepped up an effort to quell the movement since they occupied the building on 18 November, with the document stating: “It is likely that activists aspire to identify other locations to occupy, especially those they identify with capitalism.
It's obvious that we should expect that to happen here in the U.S. also, and very soon. Just in time to coincide with the passage of the hideous Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which authorizes the military to detain U.S. citizens indefinitely and without trial. These little, cowardly men, greedy, sniveling sociopaths are getting a little nervous about the fact that the people have awaken. They will fail this time.
One day we may even have predator drones hunting down U.S. citizens right in the "homeland."