The Daily Bucket is a place to catch your casual observations of the natural world and turn them into a valuable resource. Whether it's the first flowers of spring or that odd bug in your basement, don't be afraid to toss your thoughts into the bucket. Check here for a more complete description.
Castro Valley, 12/24/2011
details below
While in a somewhat precarious position, limiting my ability to reposition, I caught a brief glance of an apparent Yellow Rumped Warbler, aka butterbutt, on my fountain. This is improbable both for the time of year and because, the appearance was closer to breeding than to non-breeding colors. One solution to the color problem is to assume that it is, improbably, an intergrade, a hybrid of the Myrtle's and Audubon's variants. Whatever it is, it is, if not a butterbutt, something even more unlikely and improbable.
Christmas Eve - An Improbable, possibly intergrade, Butterbutt
How about the rest of you. What have you seen or heard today, and whereabouts? As usual, please respond with your nature observations in the comments.
Thanx and happy holidays.