Here's the challenge. If we can get enough calls going to the WH, State Department, Congress, and the Egyptian embassies, I will get the info to the protesters in Tahrir Square. Think of what it will mean to them to know that we are here bearing witness and fighting for them.
Let's do what we can to support our Egyptian brothers and sisters who are putting their lives on the line in Egypt. Please make as many calls as you can to the White House, State Department, the Congressional foreign relations committees, your Congressional reps, and the Egyptian embassies.
You can also email the State Department I was told our emails will be delivered up the chain of command.
Update: Senator Leahy and Rep. Doggett are working together to deny further aid to Egypt if Mubarak does not step down immediately.
Senator Menendez has realized a press release saying Mubarak should step down.
Sojourners is calling on Obama to tell Mubarak to leave now.
Amnesty International is calling for the release of its representatives.
I've been calling and have gotten through to my Senators Gillibrand and Schumer, Representative Jerry Nadler, the US State Department Office on Egypt, and the press office of the Egyptian embassy in DC. The more calls we make, the more they will know that we are bearing witness and we support the protesters. If President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are not having succes on their own, let's do what we can to back them up and pressure them to do more at the same time. Make a call now and report back in the comments what happens. Please also include additional phone numbers, names, etc. that could be helpful to others. Make a call now.
BlueAardvark suggested a great way to express this:
The path to peace in Egypt is for the Mubarak supporters to know that he has lost.
Mubarak must announce a date certain on which he will step down from power, and that date certain must be in the near future. Without the impetus of a deadline, negotiations cannot be expected to conclude.
The President should call on Mubarak to set a date before the end of the month after which he will no longer exercise any power.
The White House
Please call the White House and urge President Obama to demand that Mubarak step down now and the attacks on the Egyptian protesters, journalists, and the museum stop immediately.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Webform for email:
(I called the WH yesterday and was told my message would be delivered to the President that afternoon.)
Contact your elected representatives and ask them to publicly demand that Egypt immediately halt all violence against the protesters and respect the freedoms of all Egpytians.
Senators: You can find contact information for your senators here
Representatives: You can look up your representatives here
Or simply call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Majority Phone: (202) 224-4651
Majority Fax: (202) 228-3612
Minority Phone: (202) 224-6797
Democratic Members of Senate Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, which must approve appropriations to Mubarak government:
* Senator Patrick Leahy (Chairman) (VT)
* Senator Daniel Inouye (HI)
* Senator Tom Harkin (IA)
* Senator Barbara Mikulski (MD)
* Senator Richard Durbin (IL)
* Senator Tim Johnson (SD)
* Senator Mary Landrieu (LA)
* Senator Frank Lautenberg (NJ)
UPDATE: Senator Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the panel that controls foreign aid, said he’s prepared to stop all U.S. financial assistance to Egypt -- which topped $1.5 billion last year -- unless Mubarak steps aside immediately and allows a transitional government to take over.
"If he doesn’t leave, there will not be foreign aid; I mean, it’s as simple as that," Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, told Bloomberg Television in an interview yesterday. U.S. money "will not go to the Mubarak administration," Leahy said, adding, "that’s a pipeline that can easily be turned off."
Let's thank Senator Leahy and Representative Lloyd Doggett who is working with him on this.
US State Department
Contact the State Department and urge that Hillary Clinton publicly demand that Mubarak step down now and the attacks on the Egyptian protesters, journalists, and the museum stop immediately. I have included all of the listings I thought might be helpful. Staffers have been surprised to hear from me, but they have also been responsive. Please be polite but firm in letting them know that we are watching and expect the U.S. to take a stronger stand.
You can contact the US State Department at (202) 647-4000 or TTY:1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay Service), but you can only leave a message at this number. Additional offices culled from a phone directory on the State Department's web page are listed below.
Secretary Hillary Clinton 202-647-5291
Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg 202-647-8636
Special Assistant to the Secretary and the Executive Secretary of the Department Stephen D. Mull 202-647-5301
Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA)
Assistant Secretary Jeffrey D. Feltman 202-647-7209 (I was told that my message would be given by Feltman to Hillary Clinton. Continue to call this office.)
Office of Egypt and Levant Affairs (NEA/ELA) Director Nicole Shampaine 5250 202-647-2670
Email: (I called and was given this email by a representative at the task force office who assured me that my email would be sent up the chain of command.)
Office of the Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance
Deputy Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance Robert H. Goldberg 202-647-2608
Chief Operating Officer Wade Warren, Acting 202-647-2676
Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues
Ambassador-At-Large Clint Williamson 202-647-5072
Office of the Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs and Coordinator
Under Secretary Maria Otero 202-647-1189
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Assistant Secretary Michael H. Posner 202-647-2126
Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
Under Secretary Judith McHale 202-647-9199
Could not find a listing for PJ Crowley. If you have his contact info please post it below the tipjar.
Egyptian Embassies
Contact the Egyptian embassies in the U.S. and tell the Egyptian government that the American people know what is happening in Tahrir Square. We can see it on television and in tweets. We condemn the violence and demand a stop to the attacks on and the killing of Egyptians and the harassment of journalists. The Egyptian embassy in New York is open from 9a-2p Monday through Thursday and 9a-3:15p on Friday with a break from 1-2:15p.
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
3521 International CTM.W.
Washington DC, 20008
Press Office
Tel: 202 667-3402 - Call this number first
Tel: (202) 895-5400
Fax: (202) 224-4319/5131
(I called the Egyptian press office this morning and told them the world was watching and would never trust or respect Egypt again if the violence continued.)
Egyptian Consulate -- New York
1110 2nd Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Tel: (212) 759-7120/1/2
Egyptian Consulate -- Chicago
30 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60603
Tel: (312) 828-9162
Egyptian Consulate -- Houston
2000 West Loop South
Houston, Texas 77027
Tel: (713) 961-4915/6, 961-4407
Egyptian Consulate -- San Francisco
3001 Pacific Avenue
San Francisco, California 94115
Tel: (415) 346-9700/2
If the language I have proposed is too strong for you or not strong enough, do whatever feels right to you. The sincererity in your own words will ring through. Just make a call now, please.
Direct Actions/Petitions:
Clay Claiborne started a new one here that also sends a tweet to President Obama. Please sign.
Sign the Avaaz petition "to stand with the people of Egypt in their demand for freedom and basic rights, an end to the crackdown and internet blackout, and immediate democratic reform. We call on our governments to join us in our solidarity with the Egyptian people."
CREDO Action (h/t cotterperson; description)
URGENT They're running out of medicine in Cairo; maxomai
Update: Solidarity Protests in New York
TODAY and All Week: Rallies for Egypt continue! Call for Action
As the Egyptian revolution continues and Mubarak’s thugs continue to attack the Egyptian people, it is more urgent than ever that we be in the streets supporting the Egyptian people’s cause!
Al-Awda NY will continue to be on the streets here in New York City with our Egyptian sisters and brothers, and we urge all members and supporters to join us!
Today, Wednesday, Feb. 2 – 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, Union Square, Manhattan
Friday, Feb. 4 – MARCH FOR EGYPT - 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Times Square (42nd St & 7th Ave) then march to Egyptian mission, 44th St. and 2nd Ave.
Saturday, Feb. 5 – 1 PM - 4 PM, Union Square, Manhattan
Join us to stand together with the people of Egypt to say NO to Mubarak and NO to US aid to the Mubarak Regime!
For more information, please contact or call 718-228-8636.
Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition - NY