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6:31 PM PT: Ron Paul is asked about his racist newsletters. His defense is the the thinks MLK and Rosa Parks are heroes, and that he's against the Drug War.
6:32 PM PT: Commercial break—social issues coming next. And now Sawyer is starting to sound stoned again.
6:34 PM PT: I wouldn't be surprised if they started asking Michele Bachmann tough questions when we're back from this break because they sure don't seem interested in challenging Mitt Romney.
6:38 PM PT: So far this debate seems like Mitt Romney and 5 guys who want to be his VP. Will somebody please land a punch?
6:39 PM PT: Mitt Romney won't say whether or not he believes states of the right to ban contraception. "I don't know," he says.
6:40 PM PT: Then he asks if the Supreme Court has ever ruled on the issue. Stephanopolous, looking dumbfounded, says: Griswold.
6:42 PM PT: Romney then says the Supreme Court decides the law. But he says he wouldn't amend the Constitution to allow states to ban contraception. But he does say that Roe v. Wade should be overturned.
6:43 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): The liveblogging continues in the next thread.