And we're off! Have they called it for Mitt yet?
We'll have topline results at the top of the front page all night. For county-level data, you can go to either
Politico or
4:03 PM PT: Rick Santorum, on Fox, looks like he came straight off the set of Pleasantville.
4:05 PM PT (David Nir): CBS says that full exit poll results won't be available until 8pm, once all polls have closed.
4:05 PM PT: Fox News exit poll results will be posted here.
4:09 PM PT: Breaking news! NH Republicans don't like Obama! Except, 4% are enthusiastic about him, which is kind of funny.
4:13 PM PT: CBS News:
Nearly half of the New Hampshire voters who have voted in today's Granite State Republican primary decided who to support in the last few days, according to early CBS News exit polls.
Nineteen percent of voters said they made their choice just today, and another 27 percent said they decided in the last few days. Fifty-three percent said they made up their minds before that.
4:14 PM PT:
4:15 PM PT: CNN:
Last week, 83% of caucus voters described themselves as conservative; 47% said they were “very conservative.” Today, just over half the New Hampshire Republican primary voters in early CNN exit polls (54%) call themselves conservative, and just 21% fall in the “very conservative” category – raising the question of whether the “Massachusetts moderate” attack Newt Gingrich debuted in Iowa might do quite the same damage to Mitt Romney in a contest where roughly three times as many voters describe themselves as moderate or liberal.
4:15 PM PT (David Nir): CBS News emails to say that "some precincts will be reporting shortly". Link to CBS.
4:19 PM PT (David Nir): An exit poll tidbit from CNN:
"In New Hampshire - where unemployment barely cracks 5%, far below the national average – 6 in 10 GOP primary voters in CNN exit polls say cutting the deficit is a bigger priority than job creation."
Those actually sound like remarkably soft numbers in support of deficit cutting vs. job creation. After all, we are talking about hardcore GOP primary voters here, not even your run-of-the-mill Republicans. Daily Kos's own polling shows that Americans overall think job creation is more important than deficit cutting by a 59-33 margin.
4:22 PM PT (David Nir): The first teeny trickle of votes is coming in. Romney, predictably, is in the lead with 38%, but we're talking about barely 1% reporting.
4:23 PM PT: States that have multiple closing times are ridiculous.
4:24 PM PT (David Nir): Hah, check it out: both Buddy Roemer AND Fred Karger are beating Rick Perry right now!
4:27 PM PT: Well, we already know one of the big story lines from tonight: Fred Karger DEFINITELY beat expectations! But does he have the money and organization to compete in South Carolina?
4:32 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): The liveblogging continues in the next thread.