During Monday's debate, Mitt Romney
kinda sorta promised to release his tax returns in April.
Today, he said at most he would release 2011's returns.
So Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's big stumble today was
saying that $362,000 is "not very much" money, but it came as he was delivering another piece of news: that while he would probably release his 2011 taxes when he files them in April, he
won't release any tax returns from previous years.
In a spirited press conference just now in Florence, S.C., Mitt Romney made news on several fronts. Here are the highlights:
- Romney said he “probably” pays only about 15 percent in federal taxes because most of his earnings come from capital gains, which is taxed at a lower rate than traditional income. This means the super wealthy Romney pays a significantly lower tax rate than most middle income Americans.
- He sharpened his answer on releasing his tax return in April because, he says, that is the precedent and it will enable him to release the current year return, not earlier years.
- In other words: Romney plans to release only his 2011 return and will do it after the key primaries are over.
It's bad enough that he's waiting until after the GOP primary ... but to only release one year's worth of returns? If he's going to release 2011's, why not release them all? President Obama has released his going back to 2000. If Romney won't do that, the question is why not? What's he hiding?