Mitt Romneybot has all the charm of a malfunctioning Xerox machine.
Did anyone honestly think that Mitt "Corporations are people too, my friend" Romney would turn out to be such a bad candidate? Over the past couple of days, he's sat down with voters in an effort to humanize himself by talking about the housing crisis. But instead of humanizing himself, he's
unleashed junk like this:
"Well, the banks aren't bad people. They're just overwhelmed right now."
No, Mitt. They aren't bad people. Because they aren't people! For Pete's sake, Bank of America is not a person.
"The banks are scared to death, of course," he said. "They're feeling the same thing that you're feeling...
No, they aren't feeling the same thing we're feeling. They don't stay awake at night worried about how to pay the mortgage. They aren't worried about being forced to spend the night in their car because they've just lost their home. In fact, they aren't feeling a damn thing. Because they aren't human. They aren't even robots. They are companies. And the last thing we need is a president who can't tell the difference!