We have a choice in our elections, we can allow self-financed millionaires to dominate our system or we can support candidates who want to make life better for not only 99% of us, but for 100% of us.
In Washington State there is an election like this going on right now, a self financed millionaire versus a solid progressive. One might be the next Joe Lieberman of the House of Reps, the other is a solid progressive. To those of you who say that we want primaries, this is your primary . .
I am talking about Darcy Burner . . .
Late last night I was hanging out with a friend dissecting the State of the Union and happened to check email.... check out the video that showed up
Yep...that's WA-01 candidate for Congress Suzan Del Bene. Many of you will remember her as having run against Dave Reichert in the 2010 cycle. Many of us even supported her... after all she was the Dem nominee for Congress in that district and there was no Progressive choice.
Well she's running again...in WA-01. And this time we have a choice. Darcy Burner, proven Progressive is running in this district as well.
Many of you are relatively new to the Great Orange Satan and may not know Darcy well. Old timers- stick with me a minute as I try to reintroduce one of our favorites to the crowd.
Darcy lost a heartbreaker to that same Reichert in 2008. The old timers around here will remember this famous picture of Darcy after her house burnt to the ground during that campaign
More below the fold
What else has she done since 2008. Well, after her loss Darcy went to DC and worked for 3 years as the Executive Director of ProgressiveCongress.org where she set about helping to build the progressive infrastructure we Kossacks like to complain we don't have. She joined the boards of several progressive organizations like Netroots Nation Foundation, ActBlue, Progressive Ideas Network and NARAL.
In other words...instead of licking her wounds trying to figure out what to do next, she did something few candidates do- since she wasn't elected to serve and fight for Progressives everywhere she went to DC and found a different but no less important way to fight for us from the outside.
Now the voters of WA-01 have a choice to make. Do they want a New Dem who will fight for so many things that make progressives sick to their stomachs or will they elect a true Progressive Champion.
I know who I hope they choose. If you agree with me you can help Darcy get the boots on the ground she will need to win this race against a self declared New Dem self funder. I support candidates based on policy, and Darcy has been very vocal about taking a stand against SOPA and PIPA, she would be a solid vote for the kind of reforms we need to overturn Citizens United, and she shares the vision we all have of an America where every one stands a fair chance in our economic system, not just the wealthiest among us who constantly try to game the system to their own benefit, and to the detriment of everyone else.
I'm a progressive, and I make zero apologies for it. Darcy Burner is the kind of candidate I support, she is passionate about what is best for working class people, someone who is willing to defend consumers from predatory financial institutions, and someone who will deliver the vote when it comes to choosing who we should protect, American workers, consumers and voters or greedy corporate CEO's.
When I hear people say we need Elizabeth Warren in the Senate, I say we should have more people like Darcy in the House. Not just more, but a majority. More and better, right?
Well, this is where we need to start.
So show some love if you can to Darcy Burner, a solid progressive, and if you can please donate to Darcy's campaign so she can put boots on the ground.
If you don't have any money to spare but want to help out online, drop her social media person a line here on Kos Messaging- you might know her, the long lost but not forgotten Spedwybabs and she'll fill you in on how you can help.
Peace and love to all . . .
You can follow me on twitter @JesseLaGreca