bypassed in all the well founded outrage over Susan G. Komen Foundation's decision to defund Planned Parenthood, is the fact the the "Right to (Deny) Lifer's now running the Foundation's Policies have also ended funding to the tune of nearly $12 million dollars in November of 2011
In addition to pulling funds from Planned Parenthood for The Susan G. Komen Foundation also decided to stop funding embryonic stem cell research centers making it fully transparent the organization has evolved from non-political non-profit to a partisan advocacy organization.
That means the loss of $3.75 million to the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, $4.5 million to the University of Kansas Medical Center, $1 million to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, $1 million to the Society for Women’s Health Research, and $600,000 to Yale University. That’s a loss of nearly $12 million dollars in research money to eradicate breast cancer this year alone.
This is a new position for the organization which had previously supported all sorts of scientific research targeted at finding a cure for breast cancer and saving women’s lives. It’s new position is that the organization will categorically no longer support any embryonic stem cell research.
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I must agree with the author: Timing on the noisy defunding comes at a curious time - pre-Super Bowl and aimed at the GOP primary states.... while kill off funding for embryonic stem cell research was done oh, so quietly. Sort of like dying of carbon monoxide poisoning... quietly and without a stink.