Karen Handel showing her Christian compassion for poor women on Twitter
And I really didn't need to know this to consider Komen Senior VP Karen Handel a thoroughly loathsome human being (the
retweet said volumes in just a few characters) but
John Aravosis has dug up Handel's bigoted, Christian fundamentalist views on LGBT people from less than two years ago, though they read as though they are from the 1960s.
First, I want to say though I anticipate never having to confront the dilemma of an unwanted pregnancy myself, I unequivocally stand by a woman's right to make her own reproductive choices, and against this insane environment that is demonizing Planned Parenthood.
In fact, the first night I heard about it I was so enraged I, like so many others, burned up my Twitter feed yelling at @komenforthecure and retweeting anyone who, like me, was equally outraged at this outrageously stupid decision.
I was so enraged—and I am not making this up—a New York Times reporter contacted me to talk about grassroots pushback. Who knows? I might get quoted. I think I pointed him to more newsworthy subjects though.
More below the fold.
Choice excerpts Aravosis dug up from an interview during her ill-fated, Sarah Palin-endorsed run to govern the great state of Georgia:
KH: I’ve been very clear. And you know, as a Christian, marriage is between a man and a woman. I do not think that gay relationships are — they are not what God intended.
Do you and God talk to a lot?
KH: I am against gay adoption.
Whatever will we do with all those unwanted babies you're determined to bring into the world against their mother's will?
Q: Would you favor outlawing gay adoptions?
KH: Yeah, I would consider that, absolutely.
Because you know some kids who were screwed up by their gay mom or dad?
Q: Do you know any gay couples with children?
KH: Not that I’m aware of.
Well, by all means, don't let your ignorance stop you from pontificating on how people you don't know are your inferiors and what other people (who aren't you) should be allowed to do with their lives, and how you'd abuse your authority as governor to make other people's life choices for them.
Q: I guess I want to know why you think gay parents aren’t as legitimate as heterosexual parents.
KH: Because I don’t.
Great answer, Karen. Don't let the interviewer confuse you with what science or the
American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics or
American Psychological Association and the
American Psychiatric Association have to say about the topic of gay parenting. That's just crazy elitist scientist talk.
I am struck by the fact that campaigning for governor she "absolutely" would consider championing a ban on gay adoption, and had she been elected she "absolutely" would have been in a position to do so.
This is a policy position that can only be justified if one totally rejects all accepted scientific studies that have found no adverse, in fact, even more favorable than average outcomes for children raised in LGBT households. Nevermind all that, Handel has her Jesusy opinions and nothing will change her mind.
With such complete disregard, even contempt, for science and the expertise of child-care experts, it begs the question what guides her decision-making process relative to her position of authority on a medical charity?
Maybe in phase two of this public relations effort Handel will explain to us how all those disadvantaged women who depend on Planned Parenthood's services can just pray the cancer away?
Aravosis says, "No self-respecting gay person should give a dime to the Race for the Cure. There are other breast cancer charities that aren't religious right sycophants."
I agree. Screw Komen. They have jumped into the deep end of the hard right extremist Palin pool of the GOP. To Hell with them all.
As Komen delivers only a paltry percentage of their revenues to actual research, the best thing for cancer research would be for this bloated, corporate pink-washing, cynical, self-sustaining money-grabbing monopoly to collapse and leave space for a real charity that actually cares about all women's health to compete.
Lean on their sponsors to find better charities and give to Planned Parenthood. I gave $50 to Planned Parenthood this morning via Daily Kos' ActBlue account, it's here.
I want to see this become the best fundraising effort ever for Planned Parenthood.
May a better women's health charity rise from the ashes of the religious right's pyrrhic victory here.
Update: I'm aware of the damage control measures apology, I'm not impressed. For what it's worth, my mom and her sister are both breast cancer survivors and have been very involved in Komen in the past. I will be encouraging them to find a better charity. They listen to me and, like me, are adamantly pro-choice.
PS: I bet there are a lot of moms involved with Komen that think their own LGBT kids would make great parents and are hoping for grandkids someday, irrespective of the hurdles people like Handel put in front of their kids.
Update 2: In related news, the Virginia House of Representatives has passed a bill that affirms denying adoption services to gay people. A bigoted move that cannot be justified with either science nor judicial precedent (see the rulings of activist judges in the liberal nirvanas of Arkansas and Florida).
Click to donate to Planned Parenthood.