Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) has inexplicably sided with the hard-line extremists in his party over birth control and all sorts of other medical care.
Greg Sargent has been keeping a tally of Republicans regarding the new rule and Sen. Roy Blunt's legislation to overturn it. Late word is that Sen. Brown doesn't just disagree with the rule; he supports Blunt's bill.
That would be Blunt's insane and extreme legislation that would not only allow employers to dictate whether you could have access to prescription birth control, but would also let employers tailor health insurance policies to weed out coverage for any health care service that they deem "immoral."
Obesity a moral failing? No Type II diabetes coverage. Cervical cancer? Might mean you've had sex. Besides, it's about lady parts and lady parts are just icky. No coverage. HIV/AIDS testing? Yeah, right.
That's what Sen. Scott Brown, running for reelection in Massachusetts, is supporting. Massachusetts, by the way, is one of the 28 states that has had a birth control mandate after which the Obama policy was modeled.
Smart move there, Sport.