Newt Gingrich is renewing his vow of candidacy (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
If you're running for office and your message is "No, I'm not about to withdraw my candidacy," it's fair to say things aren't going well. And as Rick Santorum tops Mitt Romney in
yet another national poll, that's exactly the position in which Newt Gingrich finds himself. Now,
according to The New York Times, Gingrich is pledging to stay in the race—and predicting he has yet one more surge left within him.
“Santorum had a really good Tuesday, and suddenly the very same people who said I was dead in June came back and said, ‘I told you so,’ ” Mr. Gingrich replied to a skeptical audience member at a Tea Party rally here. “Well, I have a message for them. I’m here.” [...]
“Twice I’ve led in the Gallup polls,” he said, referring to his surge in early December and following his victory in the South Carolina primary in January. He predicted that he would return to the top of polls in a few weeks.
So I guess as far as Newt is concerned, the third time is the charm. And who knows, maybe he's right. Just ask Calista.