I had to write something about this . . .
If you're a Republican you hate taxes (and many other things). Nothing burns Republicans up more than the idea of paying higher taxes. Anti-tax Republicans even held protests called Taxed Enough Already under the false notion that President Obama raised their taxes. He didn't, Obama actually lowered taxes, but never mind facts, Republican voters are still mad as hell about the idea that their taxes might be raised, which brings us to today's edition of "The stupid, IT BURNS!!!"
In Kansas, Republicans just voted to RAISE TAXES on working class and poor people while at the same time cutting taxes for the wealthiest people in their state. Every Republican voter in Kansas who earns less than $25,000 a year and hates taxes just screwed themselves big time.
A Kansas House tax committee passed a bill in which anyone making less than $25,000 a year — roughly half a million of the state’s 2.9 million residents — will pay an average of $72 more in taxes, while those making more than $250,000 — about 21,000 people — will see a $1,500 cut, according to Kansas Department of Revenue estimates cited by the Kansas City Star.
The hike would come from the elimination of tax credits typically benefiting the poor.
The people who hate taxes and wealth redistribution more than everything else just voted to raise their own taxes so they could redistribute it back to the rich.
More below the fold . . .
Now, no one ever accused Republican voters of being too thoughtful or over-informed or even in placing a high value on dental hygiene, but even the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz would have figured this one out. Yes, at this point, the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz is smarter than the average Republican voter who earns less than $25,000 a year.
This virulent strain of stupidity is not just limited to Kansas. 3 of the 4 (Romney, Gingrich and Santorum) remaining GOP Presidential candidates have offered budgets that cut taxes on the rich AND create larger deficits. This isn't a bug, it's a feature. Republicans clearly WANT deficits so they can use them as an excuse to dismantle the government and privatize it off to their campaign donors. By cutting taxes on the rich and shifting the tax burden onto the working class in the same bill the GOP is showing what their true agenda is, simple reverse Robin Hood economics.
To shield GOP voters from this simple fact the GOP and their loyal media mouthpieces have constructed a mountain of bullshit, culture war, family values oriented, Frank Luntz pollster focus group approved pure unadulterated bullshit, all designed to shield their voters from the open scam they are running on their working class base as they convince them to consistently screw themselves so the rich guys can have more tax breaks that they don't need. Fox News, Rush Limbuagh and the rest of the conservative noise machine are the goggles that are supposed to protect the fragile little minds of GOP voters from the cold fact that 30 years of noxious GOP bullshit has turned into a river of acidic bullshit. Much like McBain from the Simpsons, the GOP is about to realize that there is no Fallout Boy to save the Republican party from their own horrible candidates and their own horrible ideas.
Ze googles, zey do nothing!
And the stupid, it burns . . .

You can follow me on Twitter @JesseLaGreca