Can you say "conflict of interest," Greg Reed? He's the Alabama state senator that heads the "Health" committee. Yesterday, the committee approved SB12 - a bill essentially the same as the Virginia ultrasound bill. Turns out Senator Reed has more at stake than his "pro-life" views. An alert contributor to the "Alabama Voters Opposed to Forced Ultrasound" Facebook group pointed out that the chair of the Senate committee in charge of this legislation is a vice president at Preferred Medical Systems.
Cross posted at Left In Alabama

Since 2001, Preferred Medical Systems has had one mission: To provide a complete ultrasound solution for our customers. We are the exclusive authorized distributor of SAMSUNG MEDISON Ultrasound products in the southeastern United States.“Additionally we are one of the nation’s leading sellers of pre-owned ultrasound equipment for all major brands.”
Here's the information on the contact us page:
Greg Reed - Ext. 27
Vice President
Cell: 205.388.1793
Fax: 205.295.1554
Senator Reed ran on a number issues, including ethics. Other people's ethics. Not his, apparently. From his campaign Web site:
I support legislation to put real teeth in our ethics laws. I will vote to give the Alabama Ethics Commission subpoena power to conduct thorough and meaningful investigations of wrongdoing by public officials. I believe lobbyists should be required to report all expenditures made on entertaining legislators and state agency employees.
The answer to integrity in government is accountability and transparency, and I will vote for any legislative proposals to ensure that government is more open and honest.
Using Reed's standard, it's unethical for a teacher or anyone on the state payroll to "double dip" - meaning that the person serves in the Legislature at the same time he/she works for the state. But, let me get this straight.... Reed and his party have no problem with the chair of a committee overseeing legislation that directly benefits his business?
That's the Alabama GOP, folks!