Everyone likes birth control. Everyone.
Do you need yet another poll to prove that despite the kvetching from Catholic bishops, Rick "
Even straight, married sex makes me want to throw up" Santorum, and the woman-haters in Congress, Americans actually
like birth control?
Okay, you got it. Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos & SEIU. 2/23-26. Registered voters. MoE ±3.1% (no trendlines):
Q: Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of birth control?
Favorable: 66
Unfavorable: 16
Not sure: 18
And a closer look at the numbers shows it's not just dirty liberal sluts who like birth control:
- 60 percent of men
- 51 percent of Republicans
- 69 percent of Independents/other
- 52 percent of conservatives
- 51 percent of tea partiers
And the list goes on and on. Rich people, poor people, coastal elites and Southerners, old people, young people—pretty much everywhere you look, Americans like birth control.
So despite Rep. Darrell Issa's boys only hearing about how birth control makes rape apologists of the cloth sad, and despite threats from Catholic bishops to shut down hospitals rather than cover birth control, Americans have roundly rejected the "aspirin between the knees" approach to contraception in favor of real birth control. So sorry, bishops and Republicans. Guess you'll need another hearing about how that makes you sad too.