After being excluded by Republicans from their birth control panel,
Sandra Fluke testifies before a hearing organized by Democrats
Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown Law Student savagely attacked by Rush Limbaugh for defending the right of all women to have access to birth control, just revealed on MSNBC that President Obama had telephoned her to offer his thanks and support.
"He encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women," Fluke said. "What was really personal to me was he said to tell my parents that should be proud, and that meant a lot because Rush Limbaugh questioned whether or not my family would be proud of me, so I just appreciated that very much."
As Andrea Mitchell noted, President Obama's call raises the stakes. On one side you have Rush Limbaugh calling Fluke unspeakably ugly things. On the other side you have President Obama supporting and embracing her, and holding Fluke up as a role model. Republicans are going to need to take a side. Defend Rush's disgusting diatribe ... or support Fluke.
Fluke said President Obama called her while she was in the green room at MSNBC. "He did express his concern for me, and wanted to make sure I was okay," Fluke said. "I am. I'm okay."
What a brave woman.
Please sign the petition calling on Rush Limbaugh's advertisers to pull their support for his show after his disgusting comments.