The American Family Association made its name by organizing boycotts of TV shows and companies on decency grounds. Well, the AFA's policy chief, Bryan Fischer, just proved how hollow that image really is by saying that Rush Limbaugh was in the right for his horrible attacks on Sandra Fluke.
You'll recall that Fischer was one of the first religious right bigshots to rise to Limbaugh's defense when he tweeted:
Well, this week he's doubled down on that stand in a big way. On Monday's Focal Point, he said that while El Rushbo probably shouldn't have called Fluke a "slut," he was entirely in the right for slamming her since she basically told the entire nation she was promiscuous. Limbaugh's apology, in Fischer's view, is yet another case of "secular sharia" that those evil libruls are forcing on this nation. So now we have a religious right bigshot actually advocating AGAINST efforts to actually insist on standards of basic decency. The mind reels.
If that wasn't crazy enough, Fischer really stepped in it yesterday. Follow me below the squiggle for more ...
On yesterday's Focal Point, Fischer actually said with a straight face that all these attacks on women come from the left. Conservatives, on the other hand, always respect women. I guess Fischer has an awfully funny definition of "respect," judging by his defense of Limbaugh. Fischer later proceeded to wag his finger at Fluke, claiming (falsely) that she openly flaunted the fact she was "sleeping with so many guys she can't keep track."
The next time the AFA starts one of its boycotts, keep this on file as evidence that it's got a two-by-four in its eye.