Sluts and stuff, below the fold.
FUCK YOU Moulitsas you fucking nazi fag!!!
Listen up you douchebag homo pedophile! Theres a story on your front page making fun of Congressman Paul. Do you think mocking the ONLY principled politican in America is clever?? You fucking asshole you dont know shit! Ron Paul Is more intelligent and honest than you could ever hope tobe!!! Ron Paul has served in the Congress for decades WITH ABSOLUTE INTERGITY YOU COCKSUCKING FASCIST MORON!!! Has Ron Paul ever been acused of corruption? No t once. The only member of the congress who is COMPLETELY HONEST! The "funny" thing is that while you take money from your fasicst bosses and mock Ron Paul he is working rounf the clock TO PROTECT YOUR FREEDOM!! ungrateful little cunts like you should be tarred and fethered and set on fire! Ron Paul is an american Hero and you are a nutless coward! Do you think we are scared of your Obama-Romney socialist machine? Doyou think we are going to vote for one your fascist candidates? ObaNAZI? Nope. RomNAZI? Nope. I will vote for Ron Paul and if you wont give me a ballot I will fucking write my vote on a piece of my own skin! ONLY ONE POLITICIAN CARES ABOUT FREEDOM AND HE IS RON PAUL!!! Fuck you Moultisas! You have two options, either you take down your anti-Paul nazi story OR I will personally kick your faggot ass the next time I see you at a Ron Paul rally. I wont ask any questions I will simply walk over to you and deck you. I'll gladly spend the night in jail for the chance to fight a nazi thug like you! And tell your boss Obama-Romney that THE AMERICAN PEOPLE REJECT THEIR FASCIST NAZI REGIME AND WILL VOTE IN RON PAUL THE DEFENDER OF HUMAN FREEDOM AND A FAITHFUL SERVANT OF GOD!!!
Wait, are you talking about that loser candidate who has lost every presidential primary and caucus in 2008 and 2012?
I don't think the American people are rejecting who you think they're rejecting.
Two lies do not make a right
In your commentary "Party Gone Wild" you wrote, and I quote your own words,
"Democrats have never hidden their agenda".......
That's a bold face LIE!
Resent history alone proves the hidden agenda of totalarlitian policies America's SO CALL
"progressive" movement harbors. The Affordable Health Care Act was nothing short of pure lies and deliberate deceptions from the get go -"we must pass it to find out whats in it." Hogwash!
Even though you, as a voter, have taken care of him has Mr Obama taken care of you? In truth, does he even care anything at all about you or yours? Do you no loner have to worry about the mortgage? Has he put gas in the car for you? Or is that still a worry for you?
Turth is all he wants from you is your vote!
That and for you to stay in your place spewing out positive propoganda on his supposed cutting edge leadership qualities. (Made necessary by the lack there of!) Yes sir, there has indeed been fundimental change across the land.
People out here in La La Land are no longer the suckers you on the left are convinced we are.
I remember when Democrats rammed ACA down everyone's throats -- taking an excrutiating 14 months to do so! It was a slow-mo ramming.
But if you're angry that Obama wasn't a socialist giving you free housing and gas, I'm afraid your only option may be to move to Cuba.
Wait a second
"“And if it turns out he needs the help, then too bad. F—- him.â€
Did Markos actually say this about a Medal of Honor recipient and a guy with more balls in his pinky finger than Markos' entire body?
Wow. Talk about doing a great job of pushing moderates like myself away from sites like this. You cynical mean-spirits are no better than Drudge Report.
How dare you treat an honhorable man- and a Dem no less- like that. I hope you feel great about that whole "being on top of the wacko-liberal blogosphere" thing.
We want leaders- not cheerleaders and purists. The world is a lot bigger and more diverse than simply Daily Kos readers.
I'm Audi 5000. It was neat to read a few articles on there once in a while, but I can't support a site run by someone like Markos who would say something like that about Bob Kerrey.
Unbelievable. I guess the Extreme Right Wing does not have a monopoly on hate after all.
Markos? F--- him. And f--- this site. You guys can drown in your own hate. Disrespect at the highest level. Maybe you can convince Dennis Kucinich or Hillary to run against our President and run 2012 even more.
You kidding me? I LOVE Kerrey! He'll force Republicans to spend millions of dollars in Nebraska, meaning less money to go after real Democrats like Sherrod Brown and Elizabeth Warren.
And he'll still lose, so we won't have him in the Senate giving "bipartisan" veneer to efforts to gut Social Security and other entitlement programs. So win-win all around!
How much "proof" do you need ?
History has shown that somebody made a "bad mistake" when they banned edscan.
Only small minds fail to recognize when they
have been wrong. Recognizing our mistakes is
a major part of simple learning.
I know that you know this.
When persons with a broad understnding of
life ignore their gut feeling, they are headed
down the wrong path.
My gut is totally chill.
You are one fucking idiot
rush obsession people need to throw out your computers and play with super heroes .
Ya'all a bunch of faggots with no reason to live.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me, call me this or call me that and I'll call you a little pussy cat..........I remember that from elementary school. I had the makings of a future right winger back in 3rd grade while they were in the process of becoming the overgrown spineless, sissy crybabies they are today
Earlier I was channel surfing and stopped at Chrissy Matthews, on the other side of the screen 'appearing to be very upset' was claire mccaskill. He was discussing the SLUT........You could tell she just couldn't wait to tell the viewers how upset she was, I switched it off before she had a chance. The slut word. One simple word. OMG.......Do the left over react. Makes me thing back to when my son was 2 years and a wheel came on his hot wheel car and he cried and cried until I fixed it. Over reaction, fake outrage the left have. It is beginning to look pretty stupid. With all the vile disgusting things the left, many of them publicly calling Palin and Bachmann some horrendous disgusting things and they think they have a case over the Slut word? Are they kidding?
Ah yes. One word. Again:
Join my cause
send a box of condoms to the Slut of Georgetown.
Sandra Fluke
Georgetown University Law Center
600 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Good idea. It's not like you're going to need them!
“As far as the vice president thing, you know, who knows what the future lies because it wasn’t too long ago, you know, I was sitting in the desert of Kandahar, Afghanistan, and now I’m here talking with you,†[Allen West] the Florida Republican told CNN’s Soledad O’Brien. “But, you know, I am always willing and ready to serve my country in whatever capacity that the American people would desire.â€
you racist would hate a black man running as the Republican VP. He is all black while Obama is half black and half white. You racist just tolerate him .
Mitt Romney is intelligent, he will carefully select the VP nominee .
You know us liberals. African American for president? No problem. But
Dear Ms McCarter
I was shocked that you considered my e-mail to you concerning the Silence of the progressive media as "HATE MAIL" You took the time to X out the last four numbers of my telephone number. Then Daily Kos have the gall to send me an invitation to sign up for a publication that chooses to be SILENT about what happened to 3 building in NYC on 9-11-01. I guess you are not the person who has the ability to understand something taught in 6th grade science. All falling objects take the path of least resistance. ie NEVER THE PATH OF GREATEST RESISTANCE. Yes it is that simple. Will gladly explain that to you if you care to understand. Peace Tom Spellman
So you want me to include the last four numbers of your telephone next time?
ur new NRB friends . . .
Our new friends at NRB,
It was good to have made contact with you at the NRB . . .
We would like to take the opportunity to share the Ministry's "VISION" with you and the time-line given to accomplish the "VISION." I hope it blesses you as it has been a blessing to others. Please pray what God would have you to do to help this Ministry, as God said in his word I will bless those that bless Israel. Be encouraged and God bless.
Brother Jackie & Brother Steve
see the "VISION" Page and the Prophesy given for it and Daniel's time-line for the future Armageddon coming and what you should be doing in preparing. . .
Holy crap, don't tell me you missed the Apocalypse?
Yeah, it was terrible. We were promised plagues and hell on earth, and next we knew, there was Donald Trump, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, and a bona fide assault on birth control rights.
Rush Limbaugh
Go, El Rusbo -
These air-head blogs mean nothing ~ -
You are the man - calling it like you see it and you were 'right on' about this woman - she doesn't deserve beng called a woman - she is too old to be called a girl - and she is certainly no lady - so your term best describes her -
You see - Most Americans agree with you, Rush - Tax payers do not need to pay for her depraved way of life -
Don't take those advertisers back who are begging to come back to you - tell them to take a long walk on a short pier -
Rush - you are the man - Keep telling us the truth -
A devoted fan in Texas - been listening for 24 years
"El Rushbo"? Speak American!
p.s. This.
Deal with it
The left are angry as hell that they can't silence Rush. For 20 years they have tried to shut him up and down. The Democrats have had Congressional hearings to silence him without success. For a week they have been on an all out war boycotting his advertisers. Nothing is working . Rush lives on. Now there are death threats from these little tolerant nothings. How very sweet. They really hate he reaches 15 million listeners a week that hear what he says about them. Here, they click report and sometimes that works enough to silence one of us with a suspension temporarily but we always come back. Rush lives on . Keep it up lefties, at least it will keep you all busy but Rush Limbaugh is going nowhere. Die trying to silence him. And God Bless the grand King, Lord, keep him safe from these evildoers,
Ha ha, congressional hearings... don't forget the Spanish inquisition trying to shut your grand king up and down too!
And Hitler.
Republicans and women
You are so typical of the distort the subject (I don't mean Rush Limbaugh--he was completely wrong and an embarrassment to clear thinking people).....the subject to begin with was RELIGIOUS freedom. As a Catholic, i do not want to pay for any woman's is completely against what my Church teaches, and my beliefs. That's it--no one is denying a woman access to contraception--I just don't want to pay for it with my tax money.
Good news! Nothing makes you have to pay for anyone else's birth control!
I sure do hope no one has borne false witness and told you otherwise, because I suspect your church is also completely against that ... when it suits it.
So I hear the occupy protesters are going to stir crap this spring and summer…regular normal people see these low life Obama supporters as filthy dirty drug drug addicted immature brats , lice infested punks defying law and order, intimidating and threatening people and with their rapes and murders . What a classy group of people they are .
Does Obama and the left really think that people who act like they do is going to win them votes ? The left seem to be retarded in thought, they think everyone is on their side and agrees with their view of America and the world . They wish that was so. When normal people witness these kind of behaviors they wonder why they aren't locked up. They question who the hell are they ? Simply, they are the new protesters of the Democratic left, the same people from the 60''s. No matter what they do, Obama an the Democrats will never denounce them. They want violence and intimidation, they need their votes.
So I say to the Occupiers BRING IT ON. Let Americans witness what supports Obama.
Those darn Occupy hippies suck! Especially Mitt Romney: "But for high income folks, we are going to cut back on that, so we make sure the top 1% keeps paying the current share they're paying or more."