The latest victims
Cue the violins! White men in the Senate are "feeling trapped" by their refusal to reauthorize the
Violence Against Women Act ... not so much because of they're concerned about violence against women, but because it just looks so darn bad:
“Obviously, you want to be for the title,” Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri, a member of the Republican leadership, said of the Violence Against Women Act.
So what's the sticking point? It would:
[...] expand efforts to reach Indian tribes and rural areas [...] It would also allow more battered illegal immigrants to claim temporary visas, and would include same-sex couples in programs for domestic violence.
Well, there you have it! It would aid brown and gay victims of domestic violence (and for all we know, brown, gay victims) ... and today's Republican Party won't stand for that. It's bad enough that those white victims who were asking for it already get handouts in the form of legal and civil protections against violence. So an act that was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate and with 415 votes in the House the
last time it came up for reauthorization can pound sand.
And besides, Republicans are sure this is just a political ploy by Democrats to make them look bad:
“There are lots of other issues right now that could be dealt with other than this one,” said Senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota, who is responsible for Republican messaging. “I suspect there’s a reason for bringing it up now.”
Well, sure. Other issues like voting to turn women's health care decisions over to the Catholic Church. There aren't enough hours in the day to worry about violence against women too.
Sign the petition telling Senate Republicans to reauthorize The Violence Against Women Act.