In case you were wondering when the beleaguered and ever-more-ridiculous Rush Limbaugh was going to weigh in on the Trayvon Martin case,
wonder no more.
[W]hat I've read is that Mr. Zimmerman -- who, again, the New York Times refers to as a "white Hispanic" and the rest of the media has now picked that up, 'cause that fits the template. You need white-on-black here to gin this up. I understand. He wants to be a cop. He just loves law enforcement, and he's a self-appointed Neighborhood Watch commander, and he wanted to protect his neighborhood, and he just got a little overzealous and so forth.
Yes. Overzealous, that's it. And then
so forth happened.
This is immediately after a discussion about how many other killings go on that don't get this kind of attention, and golly isn't that interesting, and immediately before Rush Limbaugh goes all-out with ... well, whatever this part is—I think it's his impression of Steven Colbert doing an impression of Rush Limbaugh:
This is one of those things I can't relate to. I don't look at people and see a race or a sexual orientation or whatever. I mean, I'm a red-blooded American guy. When I see a woman, I notice she's a woman, but I don't see the political context. I don't see feminist or a female victim of some oppressive society. I don't see black-versus-white or anything. The left is the ones who do this. For Obama to come out and say, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," okay, fine. What? What then? What does that mean? [...] I mean we know who the people trying to benefit from this are, but at the highest levels of our government, you would think -- with a powder keg like this -- that people would want to try to douse it, cool it off a little bit. I just don't see any of that.
"My friends, I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because
I spend truly amazing amounts of time on my show talking about the president's race, or calling him 'the Magic Negro' or telling callers to take the bone out of their nose and get back to me and that sort of thing. The real racists are people like Obama, and the leftists and minorities and stuff. Oh, also I don't see feminists, or as I call them, 'femi-Nazis.' Yeah, that's the ticket. You know I'm not anti-women because I judged a Miss America pageant."
So there you go. The sad part is, I think this is Rush trying to tone things down. Calling the guy who confronted and shot an unarmed 17-year-old kid "overzealous" qualifies, for Rush, as moderate. If only his nemesis, Obama, wasn't making such a big deal over these things.