Willard Mitt Romney—currently a right wing stalwart in spite of his past comments, currently a supporter of the Paul Ryan $700 billion in mystery cuts (http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/...), currently an attacker of a health care bill based on his sound policies in old Mass; currently calling out the President for purported lack of leadership when Willard himself has never spoken to the Generals or President Karzai http://www.foxnews.com/... leveled an attack on President Obama as prone to straw man arguments.
Based on the changes in Romney’s dramatic shifts over the last ten years, and his tendency to level charges of incompetence prefaced with admissions Romney himself doesn’t know all the facts, could Mr. Romney himself be the liar?
Stunning to me is how easily Romney talks points I’m sure Romney knows are false. Take tax cuts and raising revenue. Now, true believers like Ms. Palin will make such an argument based on their faith and ignorance. Romney, however, has no such excuses. When he makes the statements, he knows they are untrue: as Romney knows full well, tax cuts rarely if ever raise government revenue. Yet Romney has no problem endorsing the opposite view.
If Romney wins the White House, which I sadly think he will, he gets my vote as the greatest liar ever. Stunning.
Is Willard Mitt Romney the greatest liar ever?
Willard Mitt Romney—currently a right wing stalwart in spite of his past comments, currently a supporter of the Paul Ryan $700 billion in mystery cuts (http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/...), currently an attacker of a health care bill based on his sound policies in old Mass; currently calling out the President for purported lack of leadership when Willard himself has never spoken to the Generals or President Karzai http://www.foxnews.com/... leveled an attack on President Obama as prone to straw man arguments.
Based on the changes in Romney’s dramatic shifts over the last ten years, and his tendency to level charges of incompetence prefaced with admissions Romney himself doesn’t know all the facts, could Mr. Romney himself be the liar?
Stunning to me is how easily Romney talks points I’m sure Romney knows are false. Take tax cuts and raising revenue. Now, true believers like Ms. Palin will make such an argument based on their faith and ignorance. Romney, however, has no such excuses. When he makes the statements, he knows they are untrue: tax cuts rarely if ever raise government revenue. Romney’s claims Obama is not providing leadership? The Right Wing ain’t following anyone but themselves: Fox told them.
The Bush boys failed to kill Bin Laden; brought us into two lengthy wars; cratered the economy; road up a huge debt load; left their successor with an operating budget of over a trillion a year in debt.. Romney knows well enough it was the Republican Congress and White house which brought this country those ruinous policies with their predictable results.
Seems to me Obama’s made inroads on most of this—except for the debt as the Republicans refuse to raise taxes or let the “temporary” tax cuts for the rich expire. If Obama had the votes, seems to me the economy would be about the same but the country would be running $200-$300 billion a year in lower deficits. A man concerned with the health of the country would be concerned with correcting the incoherent views of certain voting blocks. Romney courts them with well financed ad campaigns--truth be damned.
If Romney wins the White House, which I sadly think he will, he gets my vote as the greatest liar ever. Karl Rove a close second. Stunning.